A |
ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens |
ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens |
Bankruptcies |
Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) |
Option 5. Claims Information (By Claim Number) (NFC Use Only) |
Option 6. TOP Information (By Tax-ID Number) (NFC Use Only) |
ABCO Main Menu |
ABCO Online Inquiry System (ABCOINQ) Screens |
ABCO Online Inquiry System (ABCOINQ) Screens |
How Other Systems Interface with ABCO |
Adjustment Processing Bills, Form NFC-1100, Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment and Form NFC-1101, Notice of Intent to Offset Salary and Repayment Agreement |
Agency Responsibilities |
B |
Bankruptcies |
C |
Changing Your Password |
E |
Employee Personal Page (EPP) |
Employee Separation (From His/Her Agency) |
Exhibit 1: Form NFC-MPAY, Notice of Missed Payment |
Exhibit 1: Form NFC-MPAY, Notice of Missed Payment |
Notices |
Exhibit 10: Report ABCO2Y01, Outstanding Salary Offset Debts-Suspended by Agency as of Pay Period XX |
Exhibit 10: Report ABCO2Y01, Outstanding Salary Offset Debts-Suspended by Agency as of Pay Period XX |
Reports |
Exhibit 11: ABCO Bill Reference Guide |
ABCO Online Inquiry System (ABCOINQ) Screens |
Exhibit 11: ABCO Bill Reference Guide |
Exhibit 2: Form NFC-PPAY, Notice of Partial Payment |
Exhibit 2: Form NFC-PPAY, Notice of Partial Payment |
Notices |
Exhibit 3: Form NFC-631, Demand Notice for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-631pg2, Form NFC-631pg3, Form NFC-631pg4, Form NFC-631pg5, and Form NFC-631pg6) |
Exhibit 3: Form NFC-631, Demand Notice for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-631pg2, Form NFC-631pg3, Form NFC-631pg4, Form NFC-631pg5, and Form NFC-631pg6) |
Notices |
Exhibit 4: Form NFC-1100, Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-1100pg2ALL, Form NFC-1100pg3ALL, Form NFC-1100pg4ALL, and Form NFC-1101) |
Exhibit 5: Form NFC-1100TR, Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-1100pg2ALL, Form NFC-1100pg3ALL, Form NFC-1100pg4ALL, and Form NFC-1101TR) |
Exhibit 5: Form NFC-1100TR, Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-1100pg2ALL, Form NFC-1100pg3ALL, Form NFC-1100pg4ALL, and Form NFC-1101TR) |
Notices |
Exhibit 6: Form NFC-937, Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits From Salary and Debtor Package (Form NFC-937pg2, Form NFC-937pg3ALL, and Form NFC-937pg4ALL) |
Exhibit 6: Form NFC-937, Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits From Salary and Debtor Package (Form NFC-937pg2, Form NFC-937pg3ALL, and Form NFC-937pg4ALL) |
Notices |
Exhibit 7: Form NFC 937TR, Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits from Salary and Debtor Package (Form NFC-937pg2TR, Form NFC-937pg3ALL, and Form NFC-937pg4ALL) |
Exhibit 7: Form NFC 937TR, Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits from Salary and Debtor Package (Form NFC-937pg2TR, Form NFC-937pg3ALL, and Form NFC-937pg4ALL) |
Notices |
Exhibit 8: Lien Letter |
Employee Separation (From His/Her Agency) |
Exhibit 8: Lien Letter |
Exhibit 9: Report ABCO6I01, Status of Debtor Accounts |
Exhibit 9: Report ABCO6I01, Status of Debtor Accounts |
Reports |
Exhibits |
F |
Feedback |
FEHB Bill, Form NFC-937, Notice of Intent to Recover Past Due Health Benefits from Salary |
H |
How Other Systems Interface with ABCO |
I |
Introduction |
L |
Latest Update Information |
Leave Buy Back |
M |
Manually Created Bills |
N |
Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment |
Notices |
Exhibits |
Notices |
O |
Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen |
Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen |
Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) |
Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) |
Option 3. Collections (By Check ID) |
Option 4. Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number) |
ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens |
Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen |
Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) |
Option 4. Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number) |
Option 5. Claims Information (By Claim Number) (NFC Use Only) |
Option 6. TOP Information (By Tax-ID Number) (NFC Use Only) |
Override |
Overview |
P |
Past Due Health Benefits |
Payroll/Personnel Processing Cycle Chart |
Agency Responsibilities |
Payroll/Personnel Processing Cycle Chart |
Pre-Tax Refund by Payroll |
Processing ADJP Waivers and Cancellations - On-the-Roll-Employees |
Processing ADJP Waivers and Cancellations - Separated Employees |
Processing of Delinquent Debt for a Deceased Employee |
Processing of Manual Bill, Form NFC-631, Demand Notice for Payment and Form NFC-631pg2, Repayment Agreement |
Processing Workflows |
R |
Refund by Electronic Funds Transfer |
Refund by Paper Check |
Repayment Methods |
Reports |
S |
Security Access |
Sign Off |
Sign On |
ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens |
Sign On |
System Generated Bills |
T |
Transfer of Delinquent Debt to Treasury Offset Program (TOP), Treasury Cross Servicing Next Generation (CSNG), and Credit Bureaus (CB) |
Typographical Conventions |
V |
Viewing and Printing System Generated Bills |
W |
Who To Contact for Help |
Write-off of Delinquent Debt |