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Administrative Billings and Collections (ABCO)

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Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment

Salary overpayment bills result from processing of personnel history corrections, corrected T&A records, internal NFC adjustment (NFC-29) or the Agency's request for billing via NFC's SPPS Web.

For Non-Treasury Department

NFC calculates the debt and generates a debtor package, Form NFC-1100 and debtor package. This debtor package is loaded to the RPCT. The personnel office is responsible for forwarding the notices to the employee. These notices include the following information:


For Treasury Department

NFC calculates the debt and generates a debtor package, Form NFC-1100TR, Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment and Debtor Package (Form NFC-1100pg2ALL, Form NFC-1100pg3ALL, Form NFC-1100pg4ALL, and Form NFC-1101TR). This debtor package is loaded to the RPCT. The personnel office is responsible for forwarding the notices to the employee. These notices include the following information:


See Also

Manually Created Bills

Past Due Health Benefits

Employee Separation (From His/Her Agency)

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