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Administrative Billings and Collections (ABCO)

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Option 4. Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number)

Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number) is Option 4 on the ABCOINQ Main Menu. You can enter the SSN to display the Debtor and Bill Records. The screen lists all debts for an employee according to the bill number. You may also access this screen by pressing PF12, Employ Indebt, on the Receivable Record.

The Employee Indebtedness screen displays the employee's debt information.

To View an Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number):

  1. Complete the Social Security Number field as follows:


    Employee Indebtedness Screen Field


    Social Security Number

    Required, numeric, 9 positions

    Enter the employee's SSN.


  2. Press Enter. The Employee Indebtedness Screen is displayed.


     Employee Indebtedness Screen


3. All fields are system generated as follows:


Employee Indebtedness Screen Field


Debtor Number

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Debtor Name

System generated

Displays the Debtor's First and Last Name.

Bill No

System generated

Displays the 9- or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Position 2-3 - Pay Period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals an FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment
Positions 5-10 - System generated


System generated

Displays the batch number of the receivable, collection or adjustment document. If an X precedes the batch number, the receivable was system generated.


System generated

Displays the current receivable balance.


The following options are available:

See Also

ABCO Main Menu

Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen

Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number)

Option 3. Collections (By Check ID)

Option 5. Claims Information (By Claim Number) (NFC Use Only)

Option 6. TOP Information (By Tax-ID Number) (NFC Use Only)