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Administrative Billings and Collections (ABCO)

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Option 2. Receivable Info (By Debtor ID and Bill Number)

Receivable Information (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) is Option 2 on the ABCOINQ Main Menu. This option displays the Receivable Record for an ABCO billing. Entry of both the debtor number and bill number is required. Data pertaining to the receivable record including the debtor’s last payment activity and the original receivable amount is displayed.

To View a Receivable Record:

  1. Select Option 2, Receivable Information (By Debtor ID and Bill Number) on the ABCOINQ Main Menu.
  2. Complete the fields as follows:

    Receivable Record Screen - Debtor Number Field


    Debtor Number

    Required, alphanumeric, 20 positions

    Positions 1-2 - Enter the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
    Positions 3-18 - Enter the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.

    Press Tab.

    Positions 19-20 - Enter the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

    01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
    02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
    16 - Transportation (Other)
    61 - Travel (TRVL)
    91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
    92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
    SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)


  3. Press Tab.
  4. Complete the field as follows:


    Receivable Record Screen - Bill Number Field


    Bill Number

    Required, numeric, 9 required positions, maximum of 10.

    Enter the Bill Number as follows:

    Position 1 - Billing year
    Position 2-3 - Pay Period the adjustment was processed
    Position 4 - 1 for a FEHB bill or 2 for a Salary Adjustment
    Positions 5-10 - System generated


  5. Press Enter. The Receivable Record screen, with the debtor's information, is displayed.

    Note: If this is not a valid debtor number and bill combination, the message, RECORD NOT FOUND, is displayed.


    Receivable Record Screen


The Receivable Record fields are displayed as follows:


Receivable Record Screen Field


Debtor Number

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9-or-10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Position 2-3 - Pay Period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals an FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment
Positions 5-10 - System generated

Balances: Recvbl

System generated

Displays the current balance due on this receivable.

Balances: Principle

System generated

Displays the principle due on this receivable.

Balances: Interest

System generated

Displays the interest due on this receivable.

Balances: Penalty

System generated

Displays the penalty due on this receivable.

Balances: Admin Cost

System generated

Displays the administrative cost due on this receivable.

Paid: Interest

System generated

Displays the interest paid on the receivable.

Paid: Penalties

System generated

Displays the penalty amount paid on the receivable.

Paid: Admin Costs

System generated

Displays the administrative costs paid on the receivable.

Last Pay: Amount

System generated

Displays the last amount paid on this receivable.

Last Pay: Type

System generated

Displays the type of last payment received by using one of the following:

1 - Cash Collection
3 - Treasury Collection - SF 1098, Cancelled Check Received/RO145, EFT Returned/Unavailable Check Cancellation (UCC)
5 - Garnishment/Salary deduction
7 - Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC)

Last Pay: Date

System generated

Displays the date the last collection was posted in the system.

Delinquent: Ind

System generated

Displays any debts, no payments or partial payments, that have become delinquent.

N - Debt is current
Y - Debt is delinquent

Delinquent: Cnt

System generated

Displays the number of times a debt is delinquent. The first time a debt becomes delinquent, no payment, or partial payment, a missed payment letter will be issued to the debtor to request a payment be received.

Delinquent: Date

System generated

Displays when a debt is deemed to be delinquent. The indicator will be changed from an N to Y. The date will be populated with the current system date.

Original Recvbl Amt

System generated

Displays the original receivable amount.

Batch Number

System generated

Displays the number used by NFC to locate the receivable, collection, or adjustment document.

Update REF

System generated

Displays the transaction source, Julian date, and time of the latest online update or manual adjustment.

Tape Bill Ind

System generated

Displays if monies collected were transferred from the IPAC system tape to Treasury.

Processed: Date

System generated

Displays the date the receivable was set up in the system.

Processed: Time

System generated

Displays the time the receivable was set up in the system.

Register: Number

System generated

Displays the six-digit number used for the journal voucher (JV) accounting control. For NFC use only.

Register: Type

System generated

Displays the types of JVs used as identified below. For NFC use only.

0040 - Receivables or Receivable Adjustments
0044 - Claim Receivable
0045 - Write-off
0050 - Voluntary Cash Collection
0051 - Voluntary Collection (Used for SF 1081, Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits (Receivable Established) and SF 1098)
1047 - Refund of Collection
5515 - Debit Voucher/Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Check

Status: Code

System generated

Displays the status of the pending receivable as follows:

CA - Cancel ADJP bill
CR - Claims Repayment
DR - Defaulted Repayment
FE - Cancel FEHB bill
HO - Agency requested a hold for 2 pay periods on the collection of the bill in order to review the receivable
HR - Employee requests hearing
SH - Agency requests to suspend collection for 2 additional pay periods
WA - Waiver applied for
WC - Waiver Form Claims
WO - Write-off, forwarded to Claims Section to charge Agency
WP - Waiver Approved

Status: Date

System generated

Displays the date of the last status recorded on the receivable.

Repayment: Ind

System generated

Identifies if a repayment agreement has been entered into by the debtor with the Agency. The following values are used:

N - Default setting when bill established
R - Signed agreement received from debtor
M - Modified/Renegotiated repayment agreement
F - FEHB systemic debt, regulatory collection required
D - Repayment agreement in default status

Repayment: Date

System generated

Displays the date the Repayment Agreement was entered into the system. This indicator will populate with the current system date whenever the indicator is modified.

Repayment: Eff Date

System generated

Date will system generate with the bill aging date for FEHB bills.


After viewing the data on the Receivable Record, the functions below are available.

To view a Receivable Record for another debtor:

  1. Type the new debtor number
  2. Type the new bill number.

    Note: If this is not a valid debtor number and bill combination, the message, RECORD NOT FOUND, is displayed.

  3. To return to the ABCOINQ Main Menu, press PF1.
  4. To access the next page of the Receivable Record, press PF2. For more information, refer to the Viewing the Receivable Record (2) Screen topic below.
  5. To access the Receivable Accounting screen, press PF3. For more information, refer to the Viewing Receivable Accounting topic below.
  6. To access the Accounting With Collection, press PF4. For more information, refer to the Viewing Accounting With Collection topic below.
  7. To access the bill record, press PF5. For more information, refer to the Viewing the Bill Record topic below.
  8. To access the description text, press PF6. For more information, refer to the Viewing Description Text topic below.
  9. To move to the prior Receivable Record screen, press PF7.
  10. To move to the next Receivable Record screen, press PF8.
  11. To access the debtor record, press PF9. For more information, refer to Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen.
  12. To access the Claims record, press PF10. For more information, refer to ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens.

    Note: Additional security access is required to access the ABCO Claims Information Inquiry Screens. Contact your ASO to request access.

  13. To access the detail record, press PF11. For more information, refer to the Viewing Receivable Details topic below.
  14. To access the employee indebtedness listing for the debtor number, press PF12. For more information, refer to Option 4. Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number).
  15. To exit ABCOINQ, press Clear or ESC.

Viewing the Receivable Record (2) Screen

The next page of the Receivable Record Screen is the Receivable Record (2) Screen.

To Access Next Page Directly from the Receivable Record Screen:

  1. Press PF2. The Receivable Record (2) is displayed.



The Receivable Record (2) Screen fields are displayed as follows:

Receivable Record (2) Screen Fields


Debtor Number

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9- or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Position 2-3 - Pay Period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals an FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment
Positions 5-10 - System generated

RRR Code

System generated

Displays the revenue, refund or reimbursement code (RRR) which determines the classification of the transaction in the general ledger for reporting purposes as identified below.

A - Revenue/non Federal
B - Refund/non Federal
C - Reimbursement - Other
D - Advance from Public
G - Advance to Grantees
J - Advance to Government
0 - Revenue - Government
1 - Refund - Government
2 - Reimbursement - Government
3 - Advance from Government
4 - Cash Donation
8 - Sale of Assets
9 - Advance to Contractors

RA Type

System generated

Displays the receipt account type code used to indicate the computation and tax treatment of the collection as identified below.

Salary and Leave
01 - Salary Overpayment
02 - Duplicate Salary Payment
03 - Collection for Salary Advance
04 - Lump Sum Overpayment
05 - Recovery of Lump Sum Payment
06 - Overdrawn Leave
07 - Conversion of Paid Leave to LWOP
15 - Major ADJP - 15% of Disposable Income
16 - Minor ADJP - Less 15% of Disposable Income

Other Collections
41 - Travel advance
42 - Property Lost, Destroyed, Stolen
47 - Recovery of Moving Expenses
48 - Duplicate Payment of Savings Allotment to Savings Institution
49 - Travel Overpayment

90 - Other Types
91 - Miscellaneous

Salary Deduction
20 - Adjustment Between FICA and Retirement
21 - FEHB Collection
22 - FEGLI
23 - Quarters (taxable)

Garnish Est Amt

System generated

Displays an estimate of the garnishment amount.


System generated

Displays the revenue, refund or reimbursement code which further defines the RRR code. For NFC use only.

Claims Ind

System generated

Indicates if an account is in the claims status.

Garnish PP Amt

System generated

Displays the garnishment amount to be deducted each pay period until the receivable is fully collected.

ARB Proc

System generated

Displays the arbitrary processing indicator used by NFC to further define the accounting entry.

Rec/Claims Date

System generated

Displays the date established in claims or date processed if receivable record on the database.

YYPP To Garnish

System generated

Displays the first pay period for garnishment. The garnishment may begin any pay period thereafter.

Payment Ref

System generated

Displays the reason the bill was generated.

For an ADJP bill the following is displayed:

Y in position 1 - Corrected T&A
Y in position 2 - Supplemental T&A
Y in position 3 - Corrected or Late Payroll Personnel action
Y in position 4 - NFC 29, Pay Adjustment Document, was processed

For a FEHB bill the following is displayed:

Positions 1-2 - Debtor's Agency
Positions 3-16 - T&A contact point
Positions 17-18 - Debtor's Agency
Positions 19-22 - Billing pay period

Bill Aging Dt

System generated

Displays the initial date that the receivable was established.

Interest Rt

System generated

Displays the rate of interest charged to the receivable.

LWOP Eff Date

System generated

Displays the first day of pay period in which the health insurance bill applies.

Past Due Count

System generated

Displays the number of bills generated for manual bill type 631 only.

DO Code

System generated

Displays the disbursing office code specific to a cancellation collection.

Customer ALC

System generated

Displays the Agency location code specific to the debtor billed through IPAC.


System generated

Displays the identity the debtor as Government or non-Government as identified below.

Y - Government
N - Non-Government


System generated

Displays the expected means of payment as identified below.

1 - Cash Collection
3 - Treasury collections - SF1098/RO145/UCC
5 - Garnishment/Salary Deduction
7 - IPAC Collection

SF 1080

System generated

Displays if the bill should be an SF 1080, Voucher for Transfers Between Appropriations and/or Funds. If blank, the system defaults to No.


System generated

Displays the charge interest indicator as identified below.

Y - Yes, charge interest
N - No, do not charge interest


System generated

Displays the charge penalty indicator as identified.

Y - Yes, charge penalty
N - No, no penalty charged


System generated

Displays the arbitrary indicator used by NFC for accounting purposes.


System generated

Displays the charge administrative fees indicator as identified below.

Y - Yes, charge administrative fee
N - No, do not charge administrative fee


System generated

Displays an N (no). For NFC use only.


System generated

Displays an N (no). For NFC use only.


System generated

Displays the bill continuity indicator as identified below.

0 - One original bill mailed (system generated bills only)
1 - One original bill mailed (for manual bill type 631 only)
2 - Original bill mailed plus one more bill mailed the following month
9 - Every month a bill is mailed


System generated

Displays an N (no). For NFC use only.


System generated

Displays whether the Agency's accounting is in one of the following:

C - Payroll Accounting System (PAS)
F - Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS).

Bill Frequency



System generated

Displays if the employee has returned from active duty or remains on LWOP due to active duty as identified below. For NFC use only.

Blank - System default, never on LWOP due to active duty.
1 - New debt
2 - Payment received
3 - Separated or no payment received

Override Indicator

System generated

Indicates that the Agency has determined that the debt should not be classified delinquent by displaying an one of the following:

Blank - System default, Override has not been requested.
Y - Override has been requested and is actively enforced.
N - Override has been removed.

Note: This indicator should be used sparingly and must be requested by an authorized Agency official on TMGT 63, Department/Agency/Bureau Contact, contact type 15, (waiver approved).

Recvbl SRC Ind

System generated

Displays which program stored the receivable record on the database. For NFC use only.

0 - Conversion
1 - NFC460
2 - Payroll Interface
3 - RA-REC
4 - NFC490
5 - Conversion


System generated

Displays which system the receivable was established.

ABCO - Administrative Billings and Collections System
DOTS - Document Tracking System
PAYE - Payroll Computation System
SPPS - Special Payroll Processing System
TRVL - Travel Entry and Inquiry

Payroll Reason

System generated

Displays if the receivable was generated due to a payroll system action. The types are as follows:

1 - FEHB
2 - ADJP


System generated

Displays if the document was processed using automated interface by displaying one of the following codes:

Y - Automated interface
N - Not automated interface

Gar Maj/Min

System generated

Displays the Receipt Account (RA) type as identified below. Indicates if the indebtedness is major or minor and if the debtor is separated or deceased. Used for system generated payroll indebtedness.

1 - Minor indebtedness
2 - Major indebtedness
3 - Separated employee
4 - Deceased employee
5 - Separated, employee not on payroll database



Hardship Indicator

System generated

Indicates that the debtor has requested a Financial Hardship displaying one of the following codes:

N - System default when the bill is established
Y - Hardship status approved

Hardship Processed

System generated

Displays the current system date the hardship indicator was entered in the system.

Hardship Reviewed

System generated

Displays the date that the hardship was approved by the Agency official.


The following options are also available:

Viewing Receivable Accounting

The Receivable Accounting screen, displays a maximum of two lines of accounting data related to the receivable. It also displays various bill amounts and collection amounts applied to the receivable, displayed below.

Receivable Accounting Screen

Note: The fields identified below are repeated on the screen to display a second line of accounting data related to the receivable.

The Receivable Accounting Screen fields are displayed as follows:

Receivable Accounting Screen Fields


Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9- or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Positions 2-3 - Pay period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals a FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment bill
Positions 5-10 - System generated


System generated

Displays the Accounting type code as identified below. The order of posting a collection is: 2, 1, 3, and 4.

1 - Administrative cost
2 - Penalty
3 - Interest
4 - Principal


System generated

Displays the budget fiscal year of the accounting class.


System generated

Displays the Agency code of the debtor.

Acct Sta

System generated

Displays the internal accountable Agency identifier used in processing by the NFC.

Obj Cls

System generated

Displays the object classification code used for accounting purposes and defines the type of collection or receivable.

Trea Cat

System generated

Displays the treasury symbol types as identified below. This is used for accounting purposes.

WC - Working Capital Fund
GA - General Appropriated Fund
GF - General Fund

Acct Cls

System generated

Displays the accounting classification used to debit or credit the appropriate accounting.

DR - Debit
CR - Credit

Trea Sym

System generated

Displays the treasury symbol, that is used for accounting purposes, when validating the accounting classification.


System generated

Displays the Treasury Account Symbol that allows Treasury to identify critical information about each transaction that is reported.


System generated

Displays the eight-character code used to indicate the type of activity being reported.

Bill Amt

System generated

Displays the bill amount for each accounting classification line.

Coll Amt

System generated

Displays the total amount of collections associated with a line of accounting. This can be comprised of more than one collection.

Acct Dist

System generated

Displays the percentage of the total amount of accounting type when the estimate indicator is Y.


To Access the Acctng screen, Directly from the Receivable Record Screen:

  1. Press PF3.

    The following options are available:

    • Press PF1, to return to the ABCOINQ Main Menu.
    • Press PF7, to scroll back to the first page of the Receivable Accounting screen.
    • Press PF8, to scroll forward to the next page of the Receivable Accounting screen.
    • Press PF9, to access the Receivable Record screen.
    • Press Clear or Esc, to exit ABCOINQ.

Viewing the Accounting With Collection Screen

The Accounting With Collection screen displays the amount the debtor has been billed and the amount collected.

To Access the Accounting With Collection Screen:

  1. Press PF4. The Accounting With Collection screen, with the Receivable Record, is displayed.

     Accounting With Collection Screen


The Accounting With Collection Screen fields are displayed as follows:

Accounting With Collection Screen Fields



System generated

Displays the Accounting type code as identified below. The order of posting a collection is 2, 1, 3, and 4.

2 - Penalty
1 - Administrative cost
3 - Interest
4 - Principal


System generated

Displays the Agency code of the debtor.

Acct Stat

System generated

Displays the accounting station used as an internal accountable Agency identifier used in processing by NFC.

Acctng Class

System generated

Displays the accounting classification used to debit or credit the appropriate accounting.

DR - Debit
CR - Credit

Obj Clas

System generated

Displays the object classification code used for accounting purposes and defines the type of collection or receivable.

Billed Amount

System generated

Displays the bill amount for each accounting classification line.

Control Number

System generated

Displays the collection control number used to identify the collection record. Specific formats for garnishment collections are as follows:

Automated payroll system collection:
9BA - (Agriculture)
9BH - (Homeland)
9BN - (Other)
9BT - (Treasury)

Manual pay collection:
9E - Manual Schedule
9B - Pay Schedule

The 1098 number position 3 is identified as follows:

U - Unavailable check
P - Treasury paper check
R - Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Collected Amount

System generated

Displays the receivable collected amount.


The following options are also available:

Viewing the Bill Record

The Bill Record screen is accessed directly from the Receivable Record screen and displays the information pertaining to the debtor's bill.

  1. To access the Bill Record, press PF5. The Bill Record screen is displayed.

     Bill Record Screen


The Bill Record Screen fields are displayed as follows:

Bill Record Screen Fields


Debtor No

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9-or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Positions 2-3 - Pay period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals an FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment bill
Positions 5-10 - System generated

Bill Date

System generated

Displays the date of the bill.

Billing ALC

Reserved for future use.

Prior Balance

System generated

Displays the prior balance of the specified bill.

Amt Dr Adj Principal

System generated

Displays the collection amount withdrawn from the account or an additional receivable amount.

Note: On the adjustment record, the DR/CR indicator will equal 1.

Collected Amt

System generated

Displays the total amount of collections associated with a line of accounting. This can be comprised of more than one collection.

Amt Dr Adj Not Prin

System generated

Displays the amount of the debit adjustment (not the principal) shows an amount added to the account, e.g., interest, penalty, administrative costs.

Amt Credit Adj

System generated

Displays the total credit adjustment for the billing cycle. The amount credit adjustment is indicated on the Bill Record.

Note: On the adjustment receivable, the DR/CR indicator will equal 2.

Current Charges

System generated

Displays the charges applied to the first bill.

Amt Past Due

System generated

Displays the amount past due which is computed as follows:

Prior Balance minus Collected Amount minus Amt Credit Adj equals Amount Past Due.

Amt DR Adj Principal plus Amt DR Adj not Princ equals Billed Amount.

Billed Amount

System generated

Displays the bill amount for each accounting classification line.

Date Grace Period Began

System generated

Displays the date the grace period began, which is the date of the missed payment letter.

Grace Period Count

System generated

Displays one of the following values:

1 - One grace period per debt will be allowed
9 - Second occurrence of no payment or partial payment


The following options are available:

Viewing Description Text

The Description Text screen shown below displays the full explanation of the charges billed, including any computations used in determining the amount due. Depending upon the nature of the bill, a description may or may not be displayed.

It is accessed by pressing PF6, Description Text, directly from the Receivable Record screen.

Description Text Screen


The Description Text Fields are displayed as follows: 

Description Text Field


Debtor Number

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9- or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Positions 2-3 - Pay period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 equals an FEHB bill or 2 equals a Salary Adjustment bill
Positions 5-10 - System generated

Description Text

System generated

Displays a full explanation of the charges billed, including any computations used in determining the amount due. Used for billing description.


The following options are available:

Viewing Receivable Details

The Receivable Details screens displayed below contains data related to FEHB-LWOP bills only, listing charges specific to individual pay periods. It is accessed by pressing PF11, Detail Recs, directly from the receivable record.

Receivable Details Screen


The Receivable Details Screen fields are displayed as follows: 

Receivable Details Screen Fields


Debtor Number

System generated

Positions 1-2 - Displays the Department Code that identifies the debt's originating Agency.
Positions 3-18 - Displays the debtor's SSN and Employee Receivable (ER) code.
Positions 19-20 - Displays the system code identified below that identifies the system in which the payment is processed.

01 - Travel Advances (ADVN)
02 - Travel Vouchers (TVCH)
16 - Transportation (Other)
61 - Travel (TRVL)
91 - Payroll Voluntary Collections
92 - Payroll and other bills (Employee Indebtedness)
SX - Special Payroll Processing System (SPPS)

Bill Number

System generated

Displays the 9-or 10-digit number that identifies the system-generated bill as follows:

Position 1 - Billing year
Positions 2-3 - Pay period the adjustment was processed
Position 4 - 1 for an FEHB bill or 2 for a Salary Adjustment bill
Positions 5-10 - System generated

Obj Cls

System generated

Displays the object classification code that is used for accounting purposes and defines the type of collection of receivables.

Emp/Ext Amt

System generated

Displays the employee's exempted amount of the FEHB premium for the indicated pay period.

SRC Processed

System generated

Displays the date the file was updated in NFC's database.

Chg Ref

System generated

Displays the year and pay period the employee went into FEHB non-pay status.

Cont/Org Amt

System generated

Displays the Agency's share of the FEHB cost.

Reg No

System generated

Displays the six-digit Journal Voucher (JV) accounting control number. For NFC use only.


System generated

Displays the health benefit journal voucher code used for accounting purposes.


The following options are also available:

See Also

ABCO Main Menu

Option 1. Debtor Information (By Debtor ID) Screen

Option 3. Collections (By Check ID)

Option 4. Employee Indebtedness (By Social Security Number)

Option 5. Claims Information (By Claim Number) (NFC Use Only)

Option 6. TOP Information (By Tax-ID Number) (NFC Use Only)