Viewing and Printing System Generated Bills
The following debt notices are available on the Reporting Center (RPCT) to the Agencies:
- NFC1100 - Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment (Non-Treasury)
- NFC1100 - TR - Notice of Overpayment of Salary and Demand for Payment (Treasury)*
- NFC937 - Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits from Salary (Non-Treasury)
- NFC937 - TR - Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits from Salary (Treasury)*
- NFC937 - A - Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Life Insurance Premiums from Salary**
- NFC937 - B - Notice of Intent to Recover Past-Due Health Benefits
*For Treasury use only
**For Smithsonian use only
These notices can be found under the Financial Reports Menu on RPCT. Access must be requested by the ASO and must include the applicable Organization and Personnel Office Identifier (POI) information.
Once proper access has been granted, this will provide the Agencies' HR Offices with the capability to view and/or print the above ABCO notices. Agencies must log onto the RPCT to print and mail their notices. A schedule, which lists when bills are available for printing and mailing, is available on the NFC Web site. This schedule is updated yearly.
See Also |