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Central Accounting Database Inquiry (CADI)

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Allocate Split Accounting

Allocate Split Accounting is Option 14 on the Projections - Document Menu screen. This option is used to designate up to 10 accounting lines with the correlating percent distribution.

To Select This Option:

  1. Type 14 or ASA at the Enter Document Code prompt.
  2. Enter the applicable number at the Enter Org prompt on the Projection - Document Menu screen.
  3. Press Enter. The Allocate Split Accounting screen is displayed.

    Allocate Split Accounting

  4. Complete the fields as follows:




    Type the employee’s SSN.

    The employee's name (as maintained in the Payroll/Personnel System database) is system generated.

    If there is stored accounting for the SSN, the accounting classification line(s) and correlating percent distribution is displayed. If there is no accounting, a blank screen is displayed.


    Type X to select an existing accounting line to be modified or to add an accounting line.


    Type the modified accounting data or the new accounting data to add an accounting line. A maximum of 10 accounting lines may be entered.

    Distribution Pct.

    Type the percent distribution applicable to the modified or added accounting line(s) to be added.

  5. Press Enter.

Note: The system only recognizes whole numbers.

The total is system generated with the sum of the distribution percent for all accounting lines.

Note: If an existing accounting line is being changed, you must first complete this action by pressing PF6. After this action is taken, only then can the additional accounting line(s) be added by pressing PF9. Because different PF key functions are used for the Change and Add actions, they must be completed separately.

After completing all fields, the following options are available:



Change an existing accounting line

Place the cursor at the Select field next to the accounting line to be changed and type X. In the Accounting field, type the new accounting classification code. Press Tab to the Distribution Pct. field and type the correlating percent. Press PF6.

The message Changed is displayed to the right of the screen next to the Distribution Pct. field.

If the Distribution Pct. field does not equal 100 percent, the message Distribution Percentage Not 100% is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Add an additional accounting line

Place the cursor at the Select field next to the accounting line to be added and type X. In the Accounting field, type the accounting classification code. Press Tab to the Distribution Pct. field and type the correlating percent. Press PF9.

The message Added is displayed to the right of the screen next to the Distribution Pct. field. If the Distribution Pct. field does not equal 100 percent, the messageDistribution Percentage Not 100% is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: The Distribution Pct. field cannot exceed 100 percent and the system will not allow you to update the database with changed or added accounting line(s). If this occurs, the messages Total Cannot Exceed 100% and A Change or Deletion Must Proceed This Addition are displayed at the bottom of the screen. You must first correct the appropriate accounting line(s) distribution percent to either equal or total less than 100 percent to update the database with the change or addition.

Note: Whenever the message is displayed indicating that the percent distribution exceeds 100 percent, you must first press PF3 and query the record again before correcting.

Change/Add another split accounting record

Press PF3 to display a blank screen.

Delete the record

Query the record and press PF5.


See Also







Position Title

Leave Without Pay



Adjustments for Object Classes

Adjustments for Special Projects

Bodies on Board

Staff Years Allocation