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Central Accounting Database Inquiry (CADI)

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Adds is Option 1 on the Projections - Document Menu screen. This option is used to add employees that are currently not on the Payroll/Personnel System database. After the Projection Report is executed, this information is used to update the status of funds. After data is added, the information can be inquired by name or SSN.

Note: Individuals currently on the Payroll/Personnel System database cannot be inquired on this screen.

To Select This Option:

  1. Type 1 or ADD at the Enter Document Code prompt.
  2. Enter the applicable number at the Enter Org prompt on the Projections - Document Menu screen.
  3. Press Enter. The Adds screen is displayed.

    Adds Screen 2

  4. Complete the fields as follows:




    Generated by system.

    Acctg Code:

    Type the accounting code. The first three positions are used for the appropriation. The positions identified as the organization code are system generated.


    Type the employee’s last name. If a partial name is entered during inquiry, a select screen will be provided. Otherwise, the next record will be displayed. If a name is unknown, enter the position description.


    Type the employee’s first name.


    Type the employee’s middle initial.

    Social Security Number

    Type the employee’s SSN, without spaces or dashes. Unique numbering is to be used for each entry and it cannot be reused.

    Select One Activity Code:

    Type X to indicate Known, Unknown, or Anticipated.

    Pay Plan:

    Type the pay plan; e.g., GS, GM, ES, EX.


    Type the job series.


    Type the grade/step.

    Effective Date

    Type the effective date (mm/dd/yy); usually the beginning of a pay period.

    Base Contract Salary:

    Type the total base contract salary and the locality amount.

    Employment Ceiling :

    Defaults to Y (yes) indicating the employee will be included in ceiling. Type N (no) if the employee is under a hiring program such as summer aide, worker trainee, or stay in school.

    Position Title:

    Type the position title.

    Pay Differential:

    Defaults to N (No) indicating that no pay differential is authorized. Type Y (yes) if pay differential is authorized.

    Note: Pay differential default is 8 percent.

    Hours Per Pay Period:

    Type the hours to be worked per pay period.

    Type of Employment:

    Type X to indicate full time, part time, or intermittent.

    Retirement Coverage Code:

    Type X to indicate FERS, CSRS, TEMP, or Student Aid.

    Compressed Work Schedule:

    Defaults to N (No). Type Y (yes) if it is a compressed work schedule and enter the daily hours to be worked.

After completing all fields, the following options are available:



Add the record

Press PF9 to add the record.

Query the record

Type the SSN, select the activity code, then press Enter.

Change the record

Query the record and press Tab to the field to be changed. Type the correct information and repeat until all fields are changed. Press PF6.

Note: The name and the SSN cannot be changed.

Delete the record

Query the record and press PF5.


See Also






Position Title

Leave Without Pay



Adjustments for Object Classes

Adjustments for Special Projects

Bodies on Board

Staff Years Allocation

Allocate Split Accounting