Indebtedness (For Separation Only)
Indebtedness (For Separations Only) is the second option on the SPPS Main Menu Screen. This option is used to (1) record debts not recorded in ABCO for a separated employee, (2) view existing debts for the separated employee, and (3) process the final payment due the employee.
If an employee separates from an Agency before repaying an amount that is owed, the balance of the debt will automatically be collected from any subsequent payments due the employee.
Payments include:
- Final salary
- Lump sum leave payment
- Retirement contributions
- Cash awards
NFC collects from the final salary, cash awards, lump sum leave payments, or any other payments processed by NFC . The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) collects from retirement contributions.
If an employee is separated and has an advanced leave balance, the T&A will be held in SPPS . It will be the Agency's responsibility to release the record from SPPS and forgive or change the amount the employee owes from the advanced leave. These employees will always appear on the CULPRPT Report P0166, Indebtedness/Active Cases as of XX/XX/XX until released.
Payments for indebted separated employees may be released based on completion of certain fields by the user.
After the transaction has been processed (i.e., an SPPS job has executed), it is no longer available for change or deletion; however, it can be viewed through the Inquiry option. All payments are scheduled for disbursement after they are released and accepted by SPPS . Payments are processed when SPPS executes and are disbursed when transmitted to Treasury.
Any debt being collected through payroll deductions prior to separation is established in ABCO . If the debt still exists at separation and no other debts are incurred, these debts are collected during the processing of PAYE and before SPPS is run. These debts are not to be entered in SPPS .
Any debt not collected through the final PAYE process should be entered in SPPS for calculation and disbursement of the final payment. To ensure that all debts are collected, an indebtedness record should be established as soon as it is known that the employee is separating.
The following receipt account types may be entered in SPPS :
- Educational Loans
- Travel Advance Repayment
- Property Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen
- Subsistence (Travel Payments)
- Personal Telephone Calls
- Parking Fees
- Recovery of Jury Duty Fees
- Travel Overpayment
- Uniforms
- Other Types (other Departments) (e.g., theft and embezzlement)
- Other Types (USDA)
If a debt established in SPPS is repaid by the employee before the final payment is released, delete the debt on the Employee Indebtedness Update screen.
Advanced Leave
Debts for advanced leave can only be entered in SPPS by using the Advanced Leave screen and not through the Employee Indebtedness Update screen. Prior to entering data on the Advanced Leave screen, a leave audit must be completed and validated. Users should request a copy of CULPRPT Report P0053, Error Analysis By Contact Point, to identify separated employees with negative leave balances.
If a separating employee has advanced leave that will not be forgiven, he/she may be eligible for tax credits. In these instances, NFC will compute the tax credit amount. If the employee has unforgiven advanced leave, separates, and receives his/her final pay in the same tax year, he/she is entitled to a refund of retirement contributions; city, county, State, Federal, Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), HIT taxes collected from the leave. The employee is also entitled to a refund of Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) contributions if the unforgiven advanced leave is 80 hours or more. If the employee separates in one tax year and payment is disbursed in a subsequent year, he/she is only entitled to a refund of the FICA and HIT taxes, if applicable.
Separating employees with advanced leave who may be due tax credits are listed on CULPRPT Report P0162, Indebtedness Advanced Leave - Tax Credit Suspense Report.
An employee is listed on Report P0162 if:
- He/she was identified as having advanced leave at the time the indebtedness record was established in SPPS .
- A leave audit has been completed, validated, and all applicable hours have been entered in SPPS .
- The advanced leave is not forgiven.
When NFC calculates the tax credit amount, a message displays on Report P0162 indicating that the payment is ready to be released. The user can then release the payment for disbursement to the employee.
Leave balances for an indebted, separating employee should be adjusted in the Time Inquiry - Leave Update System (TINQ ). If advanced leave for an employee is not forgiven and the Advanced Leave screen is not completed, the employee's final payment will not be processed.
If an indebted separated employee is normally paid manually, the Agency must establish an indebtedness record in SPPS by completing the Establish/Delete Indebtedness screen for the employee's final payment to be processed through SPPS . All payment information must be forwarded to NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations Section on Form AD-343, Payroll Action Request. The information is entered in SPPS by NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations personnel on the Manual Payments screen and released for payment. If payment information for a manually-paid employee is not forwarded to NFC , the indebtedness record will remain in SPPS and the payment will not be released.
If the employee does not have a payment to be disbursed (i.e., an employee was on leave without pay prior to separation), the payment record will be sent to ABCO . All collections will go against the employee's retirement contributions.
It is the Agency's responsibility to ensure that all debts have been recorded and the final payment released to the employee. If the employee separates and all debts are not collected because of insufficient funds and the employee is rehired by another Department, the gaining Department should resume collection. If the employee is not rehired, a bill is generated from ABCO .
SPPS archives complete payment data at the beginning of each year. The completed record remains in SPPS between 12 and 24 months, depending on when the payment was released.
Once the final payment is processed (released and disbursed), the only options that will be accessible are option
, Remarks, and option , Payment Inquiry.To Access the Indebtedness (For Separations Only) Screen:
- Type SPPS Main Menu. at the Select (1-3) prompt on the
- Press
- Complete the fields as follows:
Type the employee's SSN .
Type the employee's Agency code.
Type the employee's POI .
- After completing the fields, press
Below is a brief description of each option.
- SPPS , the employee's final payment will not be released until all options requiring data entry are completed and the payment is coded for release or the record is deleted. - Used to establish or delete an indebtedness record. Once the indebtedness record is established in
- SPPS and query debts processed through ABCO , PAYE , and SPPS . - Used to add, change, or delete administrative debts entered in
- - Used to display a preliminary calculation of distribution amounts.
- - Used to confirm receipt of all the necessary documentation to process and authorize the separated employee's final payment or collection.
- - Used to display the check mailing information as displayed in the payroll/personnel database and allow changes to be made to that information.
- - Used to record pertinent claim information.
- - Used to display details of actual payments made to the separated employee.
- NFC employees to add, change, or delete manual payments and enter the tax credit amount. - Used by
To select an option from the Indebtedness Menu, type the option number at the Select Option (1-8) prompt and press
. The screen for the selected option will be displayed. Follow the instructions.
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