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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Remarks (For Separation Only)

Remarks is option 6 on the Indebtedness Menu. This option is used to record pertinent claim information. (This screen is optional.)

Recording Claim Information:

  1. Type 6 at the Select Option (1-8) prompt on the Indebtedness Menu.
  2. Press Enter. The Remarks screen is displayed.

    Remarks Screen

  3. The SSNO, Agency, and Name are system generated. Enter any information that is pertinent to the indebtedness record. The maximum of 76 alphanumeric field positions are allowed on the first line, and a maximum of 80 field positions on lines 2 through 12.
  4. Type the function code. The valid values are: A - (add), C - (change) and D - (delete).
  5. Press Enter. The data is recorded.

See Also

Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Establish/Delete Indebtedness

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Pending Disbursement

Payment Certification (For Separation Only)

Check Mailing Information

Payment Inquiry (For Separation Only)