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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Establish/Delete Indebtedness

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Establish/Delete Indebtedness is option 1 on the Indebtedness Menu. This option is used to add (establish) or delete an indebtedness case. If all debts are recorded in ABCO or PAYE, a record does not need to be established in SPPS. Collections and payments are made through PPS for these debts.

An indebtedness record must be established using this option before any information about the case can be entered.

An indebted record established in SPPS can only be deleted if:

Establishing/Deleting an Indebtedness Case:

  1. Type 1 at the Select Option (1-8) prompt on the Indebtedness Menu.
  2. Press Enter. The Establish/Delete Indebtedness screen is displayed.

    Establish Delete Indebtedness screen

  3. Complete the fields as follows:




    System generated from the File Control Information screen entry.


    System generated from the File Control Information screen entry.

    Name: Last

    System generated from the payroll/personnel database.


    System generated from the payroll/personnel database.


    System generated from the payroll/personnel database.

    Separation Date (MMDDYY)

    Type in the employee's separation date (MMDDYY). A record can be established before the employee is actually separated. Once the personnel action separating the employee applies to PPS, the Separation Date field reflects the date entered on the personnel action. The date from the personnel action will override any date entered in this field.

    Note: Since an indebtedness record can be established before the employee has actually separated, make sure that the information is being entered for the correct employee and that the correct record has been selected.

    Function Code

    Type the applicable code. Valid values are:

    • A (add) to add an indebted record to SPPS and collect any amount due.
    • D (delete) to delete an erroneous record (i.e., the debt is forgiven).

    Date Record Established

    System generated and indicates the date the indebtedness record is added to SPPS. This field displays as 99 99 99 until SPPS runs.

    Does Employee Have Any Outstanding Advanced Leave?

    The system defaults to N (no). If the employee has any outstanding leave, type Y (yes). For collection instructions for leave debts, see Advanced Leave.

  4. Press Enter. The indebtedness case is established/deleted.

See Also

Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Pending Disbursement

Payment Certification (For Separation Only)

Check Mailing Information

Remarks (For Separation Only)

Payment Inquiry (For Separation Only)