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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Check Mailing Information

Check Mailing Information is option 5 on the Indebtedness Menu. This option displays the check mailing address recorded in the payroll/processing database and allows the user to change this address for the final payment processed through SPPS. Any changes made to the information on this screen results in an address change for the final payment processed in SPPS; it does not change the address in PPS.

Changing Check Mailing Address For Final Payment:

  1. Type 5 at the Select option (1-8) prompt on the Indebtedness Menu.
  2. Press Enter. The Check Mailing Information screen is displayed.

    Check Mailing Information Screen

  3. The SSNO, Agency, and Name are system generated. Complete the applicable fields as follows to change the database address to the final payment address:

    Note: If changes are made to the information displayed (i.e., changing from a Designated Agent to DD/EFT), delete the displayed information.



    Check Mailing Address:

    If these fields are completed, do not complete the Designated Agent or the Bank Deposit (DD/EFT) fields.

    Street Address 1

    Type the first line of the employee's street address.

    Note: No punctuation marks can be used when entering the name and address, only parenthesis.

    Address 2

    Type the second line of the employee's street address.


    Type the employee's city name.


    Type the employee's State abbreviation.

    ZIP Code

    Type the employee's ZIP code.

    Designated Agent Code:

    If this field is completed, complete only the Function field. If not,type the assigned designated Agent code. The street address for the designated Agent code is generated after the Enter key is pressed.

    Bank Deposit (DD/EFT):

    If these fields are completed, do not complete the Designated Agent or the Check Mailing Address fields.

    Type of Account

    Type the applicable code designating the type of bank account in which the monies are to be deposited. Valid codes are:

    • C - checking
    • S - savings

    Account Number

    Type the employee's account number.

    Note: This field must be completed if the Type of Account field is completed.

    Routing Number

    Type the financial institution's identification number. The first 2 digits must be within the following ranges: 01-12, 21-32, or 90-91.

    Note: This field must be completed if the Type of Account field is completed. Data entered in this field is validated against TMGT Table 106, Financial Organization EFT Routing Number Master File.

    Function Code

    Type C (change) if changes are made to the information.

  4. Press Enter. The data is processed.

See Also

Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Establish/Delete Indebtedness

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Pending Disbursement

Payment Certification (For Separation Only)

Remarks (For Separation Only)

Payment Inquiry (For Separation Only)