SPPS Edit Messages
1st two digits of routing number invalid.
ABCO database area not ready.
A calculation must be done before a release.
A death case record presently recorded for this SSNO.
A disbursement has been made: Only option 6 and 7 available.
Age must be numeric.
Agency not found in table.
A hold distribution must be placed on claim before a release.
All debts and payments must be processed for payment release.
Amount cannot be zero.
Amount in arrears to be billed through ABCO .
A quick service request is presently recorded for this employee. Only one request is allowed.
A quick service request is presently recorded for this pay period. Only a change or delete for this QSR is acceptable.
Are you sure that you want to delete this record? Press enter to delete or PF12 to reset.
Area code must be numeric.
A release payment has been requested; Options 1 and 3 not available.
Attempted Privacy Breach - Contact Security.
Bank routing EFT number has an invalid character.
Base salary amount must be numeric.
Base salary amount must be positive amount.
Base salary amount too small.
Base salary is invalid for grade and step entered.
Base salary may not exceed amount recorded on database.
Base salary may not exceed $185,750.00.
Base salary override must be Y or a space.
Beneficiary designation added, PF8 for authorization.
Beneficiary designation modified, PF8 for authorization.
Calculation Complete - Record stored.
Cannot add duplicate record.
Cannot add: Payment certification record already exists.
Cannot delete this record.
Cannot find record to change.
Cannot modify disbursement record.
Cannot obtain DC-Basic record.
Cannot obtain Ind-Basic record.
Cannot process blank record.
Cannot release record: Manual pay has not entered the tax credits for leave.
Cannot reset advance leave indicator while tax credit exist.
Cannot store disbursement record.
Cannot store duplicate bill numbers.
Cannot store record because sick leave amount would be too great.
Cannot store records because sick leave amount is too great.
Cannot store records with duplicate hourly rates.
Certification has been added.
Certification has been deleted.
Certification record deleted.
Certification record does not exist - Please enter.
Certification record modified.
Certification record updated.
Check account EFT number has an invalid character.
Check bank account number has an invalid character.
Check bank routing number must be numeric.
Check bank routing number and account number are not equal.
Check bank type account must be C or S.
Check Type account must be C or S.
City name contains invalid characters.
Claim allowed date is less than review date.
Claim is not in a pending status.
Claimant added to database.
Claimant age must be numeric.
Claimant entered to be deleted is not on file.
Claimant has been updated.
Claimant record deleted.
Claimant SSNO cannot begin with 78 or 79: Please reenter.
Confirm death case is completed - Re-Enter.
Database error DC-Basic.
Date Cannot be greater than current date.
Date must be in Mo/Da/Yr format.
Date must be numeric.
Date must be numeric and valid.
Date must be within a four pay period range.
Date not required when not signed and witnessed.
Date of death must agree with separation date.
Date of death required, please enter.
DC-Basic database error.
DC-Remarks database error.
Death case entered to be deleted is not on file.
Death case record deleted.
Death case remarks deleted.
Death case remarks to be deleted is not on file.
Debts exceed 99,999.99.
Designated Agent must be numeric.
Designated percent must be numeric.
Designated percent valid for Form 1152 only.
Disbursement has been made, record cannot be deleted.
Disbursement record has already been released.
Disbursement record stored.
Document number must be 1152, 1153, or 1155.
Duplicate claimant SSNO not allowed.
Employee advanced leave indicator set, but he has no leave record.
Employee coded on payroll as death case - QSR not allowed.
Employee has forgiven advanced leave and has a tax credit amt.
Employee has leave record, but advanced leave indicator not set.
Employee must be separated in order to release disbursement.
Employee not active on payroll during requested pay period. QSR not allowed.
End of Payment Inquiry list, PF4 for Summary Totals.
Enter Agency code.
Enter area code.
Enter a valid age for claimant.
Enter Authorization data.
Enter beneficiary section and function code.
Enter check account DD/EFT number.
Enter check bank account DD/EFT number.
Enter check bank routing number.
Enter check bank type account C or S.
Enter check mail city name.
Enter check mail line 1 address.
Enter check mail State code.
Enter check mail street address.
Enter check mail ZIP code.
Enter claim decision for pending legal review.
Enter claimant age.
Enter claimant check mail information.
Enter claimant first name.
Enter claimant last name.
Enter claimant Social Security number.
Enter Claimant relationship.
Enter contact person first name.
Enter contact person last name.
Enter Date signed.
Enter document number.
Enter employee first name.
Enter employee last name.
Enter Explanation-comments.
Enter code A, C, or D.
Enter function code and press enter.
Enter grade or base salary.
Enter P = pending legal, O = other review.
Enter pay period number: 01 thru 27.
Enter pay period year.
Enter payment reason code.
Enter phone number.
Enter POI number.
Enter remarks and function code, press enter.
Enter Social Security number.
Enter SSNO, Agency and POI and press enter key.
Enter step.
Enter T&A contact point-city code.
Enter T&A contact point-State code.
Enter T&A contact point-timekeeper code.
Enter T&A contact point-unit code.
Enter transaction date.
Enter valid SSNO.
Enter X for claim accepted.
Enter X for claim denied.
Enter Y = yes, N = no to release distribution.
Enter Y at one of the check address fields.
Enter Y at only one of the check address fields.
Enter Y for child or children.
Enter Y for executor or administrator.
Enter Y for receipt of court documents.
Enter Y for calculations.
Enter Y only for release payments.
Enter Y or N for 1153/1155 signed & witnessed.
Enter Y or N for final payment.
Enter Y or N for Form 1152.
Enter Y or N for hold distribution.
Enter Y or N for minor.
Enter Y or N only.
Error in updating bill-seq-no.
Function code must be A, C, or D.
Grade must be numeric or spaces.
HITS wages must be greater than or equal FICA wages.
Hold status not allowed with Form 1152.
Hourly rate entered is greater than maximum.
Hourly rate is greater than maximum.
Hourly rate must be greater than 0.
Hourly rate must be greater than Zero.
Hours must be greater than 0.
Hours must be 1/4 hour increments.
Incorrect accounting station code entered per Table 002.
Incorrect date entered.
Incorrect function code entered.
Ind-Basic database error.
Indebtedness database unavailable.
Invalid accounting information entered.
Invalid accounting station-code.
Invalid accounting station code entered.
Invalid Acct stat or accounting entered.
Invalid Agency code or POI number.
Invalid claimant age.
Invalid date entered.
Invalid designated Agent.
Invalid format for base salary amount.
Invalid format for net pay amount.
Invalid function code entered.
Invalid grade.
Invalid option selected.
Invalid pay period year.
Invalid payment reason code.
Invalid receipt account entered.
Invalid SSNO for DC database.
Invalid step.
Invalid T&A contact point code.
Invalid ZIP code for the State code.
Manual payment recorded in system for this pay period.
Marital status must be entered.
Marital status must equal M, D, or S.
Minors cannot be older than 18.
Must enter one level of check mailing information.
Name must be alphanumeric.
Net pay amount must be at least $5.00.
Net pay amount must be numeric.
Net pay amount must be positive amount.
Net pay amount must not exceed $5000.00.
Net pay amount too small.
No claimant pay records present.
No claimant pay records present, PF12 to add claimants.
No more claimants present.
No more records available.
No more sick leave records available.
No more positive payments are available, release payment cannot be made.
No record currently exists to be canceled.
No salary record exists for SSNO or Agency.
Option 7 available to NFC personnel only.
Option 8 available only to NFC personnel.
Payments are recorded, record cannot be deleted.
Payment has been released cannot change.
Payments are recorded, record cannot be deleted.
Pay period number must be 01 thru 27.
Pay period must be numeric.
Payroll check issued for this pay period - QSR not allowed.
Payroll database address is not available, please specify address.
Payroll payment recorded for a later pay period - QSR not allowed.
Payroll/Personnel database not ready try later.
Percent cannot be zero for Form 1152.
Percentage cannot be greater than 100.
PF7 to page backward, PF8 to page forward.
PF7 to page forward for additional payments.
Phone number must be numeric.
Place cursor at field in question and press PF5.
Please confirm document receipt below.
Please enter a valid function code on screen 1.
Please enter a Y or N To.
Please enter correct minor indicator.
Please enter numeric data.
Please enter only one beneficiary selection.
Please enter one level of check mailing information.
Please enter only one level of check mailing information.
Please enter tax year.
Please enter valid date.
Please enter valid function.
Please enter Y for beneficiary selection.
Please enter Y or N.
Please enter Y or N to release payment.
Please use C to cancel a disbursement request.
POI number must be numeric.
Press enter.
Press PF5 to see valid relations.
Problem in obtaining Agency from table.
QSR history record is not on file.
QSR record deleted from file.
QSR record entered to be changed is not accessible.
QSR record entered to be changed is not on file.
QSR record entered to be deleted is not accessible.
QSR record entered to be deleted is not on file.
Ready to add a payment certification.
Record already changed - Please exit screen.
Record already exists.
Record already stored - Please exit screen.
Record already updated - Please exit screen.
Record cannot be found to be deleted.
Record cannot be found to be modified.
Record cannot be modified.
Record changed.
Record deleted.
Record has been modified.
Record must be established before it can be changed.
Record must be established before it can be deleted.
Record not established on SPPS database.
Record(s) processed.
Record stored.
Record updated.
Remarks has been added.
Remarks has been updated.
Remarks not on database.
Remarks present on database, use change or delete only.
Revalidate Social Security number.
Screen selection must be 1 or 2.
Screen selection must be 1 or 2 or 3.
Screen selection must be 1 thru 3.
Screen selection must be 1 thru 7.
Security violation.
Select menu screen option 1, 2, 3 and press enter key.
Select menu screen option 1 or 2 and press enter key.
Select menu screen 1 thru 3 and press enter key.
Select menu screen option 1 thru 7 and press enter key.
Separation date must be entered.
Separation year incorrect.
SF document number must be numeric.
Social Security number must be numeric.
SPPS system error - Contact NFC ASD personnel.
SSNO already exists on database.
SSNO has been added to database.
SSNO not on Ind-Basic database.
State code must be alphabetic.
T&A contact point-city must be numeric.
T&A contact point-State code must be numeric.
T&A contact point-timekeeper code must be numeric.
T&A contact point-unit code must be numeric.
Tax credits is present, but there is no outstanding leave balance.
The case being created does not agree with payroll sep/accession type.
The case record established does not agree with payroll sep/accession type.
The net pay amount entered is greater than the system calculated allowable amount-Press enter to continue.
There is no disbursement request to cancel.
The release payment request has been cancelled.
The line cannot be deleted.
Transaction date must be numeric.
Unable to access table 02 acct stat.
Unable to access Table 030.
Unable to calc DC-Basic record.
Unable to change record.
Unable to delete basic record.
Unable to delete basic record in $Disburs.
Unable to delete QSR record from file.
Unable to delete record.
Unable to modify basic record.
Unable to modify beneficiary designation record.
Unable to modify certification record.
Unable to modify DC-Basic.
Unable to modify disbursement record.
Unable to obtain basic record.
Unable to obtain DC-Clmt-pay record.
Unable to obtain DC-Tax amts.
Unable to obtain record to modify.
Unable to retrieve bill no.
Unable to store DC-Claimant.
Unable to store manual payment record.
Unable to store record.
Unable to update claimant record.
Unable to update record.
Valid pay periods include the current processing pay period and three previous pay periods.
Warning: Manual payments already recorded in DOTS. Press enter to continue.
Warning: Manual payments has been recorded in DOTS.
Warning: please verify that this is a death case prior to establishing.
ZIP code must be numeric.
ZIP code must not be all zeros.
See Also |