Quick Service Request
Quick Service Request (QSR) is the first option on the SPPS Main Menu. This option provides a menu of the options that are used to add, change, delete, query, and update a QSR record.
A QSR is used to provide salary payment when an employee is not paid through the automated PPS or manual payment process, due to:
- Late personnel action (i.e, expired not to exceed (NTE) date), late accession processing, or other personnel problems
- No check mailing address
- An Agency in the middle of performing cancelation and correction actions to correct erroneous data in EmpowHR, EPIC Web, or FESI
- Late or missing Time and Attendance (T&A) Report
Agency personnel offices initiate QSR s if it is determined that an employee has not been paid. This determination can be made by querying the Information/Research Inquiry System (IRIS) or the Payroll/Personnel Inquiry System (PINQ) as early as the Monday prior to the Thursday payday for payments being made through the automated PPS . For more information, see the IRIS and/or the PINQ procedures. An inquiry can be made on the manual payment process through DOTSE . If DOTSE has a record for the same pay period, SPPS will not allow processing. In these cases, the pay period number can temporarily be changed in DOTSE to allow processing. For detailed information, see the Document Tracking System (DOTSE ) procedure manual located under the Manual Pay Processing publication category on the Publications page of the NFC Web site.
There are three situations when SPPS cannot be used for a QSR payment:
- Employee is terminated
- Payment has already been made through the automated PPS or manual payment process
- Employee was not paid for a prior pay period but has since received a payment for a subsequent pay period
The QSR option is designed for entering data for the current processing pay period and three consecutive prior pay periods. Only one QSR record can be processed for a single pay period.
Users should enter QSR data based on criteria established by the Agency personnel office. SPPS processes the QSR payment for the specified pay period. With the certification of the QSR payment, the system automatically generates a receipt account (RA) for collection, which is set at 100% from the next system payment.
Inquiry regarding RA data can be viewed on IRIS , Program 114, Receipt Accounts. Inquiries regarding the QSR payment data can be made through the History Inquiry option and DOTSE .
If a QSR is entered for the current processing pay period on the first Monday through Thursday, SPPS waits until the first Friday of the pay period to issue the payment.
QSR records are maintained for 27 pay periods in the history file which is accessed through the inquiry function. After one year, the records are converted to microfiche and retained for six years. QSR information no longer displaying in SPPS can be viewed in DOTSE . To receive information on data not in DOTSE , enter a Form AD-354, Request for Information, in the Inquiry Information option on DOTSE .
To Access the QSR Menu Screen:
- Type at the Select (1-3) prompt on the SPPS Main Menu.
- Press
Below is a brief description of each option.
- QSR or change/delete an existing QSR record. - Used to add a
- QSR record for the current and 26 prior pay periods. - Used to query (view) a paid
- NFC employees to update the Explanation-Comments field. This data is displayed in the History Inquiry option. - Used only by
To Select an Option From the QSR Menu Screen:
- Type the option number at the Select Option (1-3) prompt.
- Press . The screen for the selected option is displayed.
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