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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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New Request

New Request is option 1 on the QSR Menu Screen. This option is used to add a new QSR record. It is also used to change and delete an existing record.

Adding a QSR Record:

  1. Type 1 at the Select Option (1-3) prompt on the QSR Menu Screen.
  2. Press Enter. The New Request screen 1 of 3 is displayed.

    New Request Screen 1 of 3

  3. Complete the fields as follows:




    Type the employee's SSN.


    Type the employee's Agency code.


    Type the employee's personnel office identifier code (POI).

    Pay Period NO/YR

    Type the effective pay period number/year for the QSR record.

    Name: Last

    Type the employee's last name. If the employee's SSN is on the payroll/personnel database, this field is system generated.


    Type the employee's first name. If the employee's SSN is on the payroll/personnel database, this field is system generated.


    Type the employee's middle name (optional). If the employee's SSN is on the payroll/personnel database, this field is system generated.

    Function Code

    Type A (add). Valid values are A (add), C (change), and D (delete). This field indicates the function to be executed.

  4. After completing the fields, press Enter. The message Revalidate Social Security Number is displayed. Type the employee's SSN again for verification.
  5. Press Enter. The New Request, screen 2 of 3, is displayed. This screen is used to enter QSR payment information.

    New Request Screen 2

    Note: If the data entered does not pass system edits, an edit message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. All data must pass system edits to advance to the next screen.

  6. Complete the applicable fields as follows:

    Payment Information Field


    Payment Reason Code

    Type in one of the following codes:

    • 01 - Late T&A
    • 02 - Late accession
    • 03 - Promotion NTE date expired
    • 05 - Database incorrect
    • 06 - Personnel documents rolled back

    Net Pay Amount

    Type in the net amount of the QSR payment (optional). The maximum amount is $5,000; the minimum amount is $5. If blank, the system generates data from the grade and step or base salary of the salary record on the payroll/personnel database. If you change the grade and step or base salary, delete the net pay amount for the system to recalculate. Otherwise, the previous amount will be paid.

    Note: To determine the amount for a current employee, use the regular expected net salary and round it down to the nearest $25. To determine the amount for a new employee, multiply the expected gross by 70 percent and round it down to the nearest $25.

    Payment Calculation Information

    Note: (1) Either the grade and step or the base salary has to be entered. The grade and step are based on the General Schedule (GS) salary. If the pay plan does not relate to GS or equivalent, the requester should calculate the annual base salary. (2) The system calculates locality pay but no other entitlements.


    System generated. (Optional if base salary is provided.)

    Step (Pay Plan - GS or GS Equivalent)

    System generated. If not, type in the employee's step within the grade. (Optional if base salary is provided.)

    Base Salary (Per Annum)

    System generated. If not, type in the employee's annual base salary. (Optional if grade and step is provided.)

    Base Salary Override

    Type Y (yes) if the salary displayed or entered is other than what is contained in the payroll/personnel database (optional). Tab to the Grade, Step, or Base Salary field and enter the correct data.

    T&A Contact Point



    System generated with the employee's Agency T&A contact point.


    System generated. If not, type in the State code for the employee's T&A contact point.


    System generated. If not, type in the city code for the employee's T&A contact point.


    System generated. If not, type in the unit code for the employee's T&A contact point.


    System generated. If not, type in the timekeeper's code.

    QSR Contact Person

    Note: The contact person is the individual with knowledge of the QSR. This person should be able to answer questions regarding the QSR and should be the person designated in TMGT Table 063, Department/Agency/Bureau Contact, as the principal or alternate contact authorized to process QSRs.


    Type the contact person's last name.


    Type the contact person's first name.

    Phone Area Code

    Type the contact person's area code.

    Phone Number

    Type the contact person's telephone number.

    Payroll/Personnel Database Check Address

    Type Y (yes) to indicate use of check mailing address recorded on the payroll/personnel database. (Optional if specified address is provided.)

    Note: If an employee's SSN is not on the payroll/personnel database, this field is not available for data entry.

    Specified Address

    Type Y (yes) to indicate use of a different check mailing address other than what is recorded on the payroll/personnel database.

    Note: If an employee's SSN is not on the payroll/personnel database, Y is system generated in the Specified Address field.

  7. Press Enter. The New Request, screen 3 of 3, is displayed. This screen is used to designate the address to which the QSR payment should be sent.

    New Request Screen 3 of 3

    Note: If the data entered does not pass system edits, an edit message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. All data must pass system edits to advance to the next screen.

  8. Complete the applicable fields as follows:

    Specified Address Field


    Street Address

    System generated. If not, type the street address where the check is to be mailed.


    System generated. If not, type the name of the city where the check is to be mailed.


    System generated. If not, type the name of the State where the check is to be mailed.

    ZIP Code

    System generated. If not, type the ZIP code.

    Designated Agent Code:

    System generated. If not, type the assigned designated Agent code.

    Bank Deposit (DD/EFT):

    Note: The bank deposit address is system generated and made available for use only when it is established in the payroll/personnel database.

    Type of Account

    System generated with C (checking account) or S (savings account).

    Account Number

    System generated with the employee's account number.

    Routing Number

    System generated with the financial institution's identification number.

    Note: The bank deposit address cannot be changed unless NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations Section is contacted. An employee using Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Transfer (DD/EFT) can expect payment within two days. Additional time has to be allowed for mailing purposes if the payment is being sent to a designated Agent or a specified address.

  9. After typing all data, press Enter. If the data passes system edits, the record is stored.

    Note: If the data does not pass system edits, an edit message is displayed at the bottom of the screen. All data must pass system edits before SPPS database is updated.

Changing a QSR Record:

  1. Type 1 at the Select Option (1-3) prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The New Request screen 1 will be displayed. Complete all the fields except the Name field.
  3. Type C (change) in the Function Code field.
  4. Press Enter. The selected record is displayed.

    Note: For assistance in completing these fields, move to the field in question and press PF5 to display a Help screen.

  5. Type the new data over the existing data in accordance with the entry instructions under, Adding a QSR Record.
  6. Press Enter, after all the modifications are made. The record is changed.

To change another record, Press PF3 and repeat the above process.

To perform another function or exit, press the applicable key shown at the bottom of the screen.

Note: A record cannot be changed once it has been processed for payment. Also, DD/EFT data cannot be changed unless NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations Section is contacted.

Deleting a QSR Record:

  1. Type 1 at the Select Option (1-3) prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The New Request screen 1 will be displayed. Complete all of the fields except the Name field.
  3. Type the exact information that was entered in the Add function.
  4. Type D (delete) in the Function Code field.
  5. Press Enter. The name is displayed in the Name field. The message Do you really want to delete this record? Press enter to delete or PF12 to reset is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Press Enter. The record is deleted.

To delete a QSR record for another employee, press PF12 and repeat the above process.

Note: A record cannot be deleted once it has been processed for payment.

See Also

Quick Service Request

History Inquiry