Death Case
Death Case is the third option on the SPPS Main Menu screen. This option is used to process unpaid compensation to the beneficiary(ies) of a deceased employee.
Once the employee's death has been recorded in EmpowHR, EPIC Web , or FESI , by processing the personnel action or recorded through SPPS , PAYE feeds all payment data to SPPS . When the death case is established in SPPS , all applicable employee information is retrieved from the payroll/personnel database. PAYE is flagged to discontinue disbursement of any payment. All payments to be disbursed are accomplished through SPPS .
Beneficiary claimant information is obtained from the Form SF 1152, Designation of Beneficiary of Deceased Civilian Employee, if there is one on file at the Agency. If there is no SF 1152 on file, order of precedence information is gathered from the Form SF 1153, Claim For Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee, or Form SF 1155, Claim For Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee (No Designated Beneficiary or Surviving Spouse).
It is no longer necessary to submit documents related to unpaid compensation to the beneficiary(ies) of a deceased employee to NFC . However, the death claim package must be submitted to NFC .
Payments to the deceased employee's estate are calculated differently from payments to current employees. The gross pay is calculated in the usual manner. Life insurance, health insurance, Social Security, and/or Medicare taxes are deducted; however, no Federal, State, city, or county income tax is deducted from the final payment. Additionally, any advanced leave that is owed is forgiven. Use TINQ to remove the advanced leave balance.
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, is issued for the deceased employee. Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, is issued for each beneficiary. Though the W-2 is usually mailed in January for most employees, W-2 s for deceased employees may be mailed after January if all of the beneficiaries have not been entered and coded for payment.
Any debt not collected through the final PAYE process should be entered in SPPS for calculation and disbursement of the final payment. The following RA types may be entered in SPPS .
- Educational Loans
- Travel Advance Repayment
- Property Lost, Destroyed or Stolen
- Subsistence (Travel Payments)
- Personal Telephone Calls
- Parking Fees
- Recovery of Jury Dues Fees
- Travel Overpayment
- Uniforms
- Other Types (other Departments) e.g., theft and embezzlement
- Other Types (USDA )
All payments are scheduled for disbursement after they are released and accepted by SPPS . Payments are processed when SPPS executes and disbursed when transmitted to Treasury.
To Access the Death Case Menu Screen:
- Type SPPS Main Menu. at the Select (1-3) prompt on the
- Press
- Complete the fields as follows:
Type the employee's SSN .
Type the employee's Agency code.
Type the employee's POI .
- Press
Below is a brief description of each option:
- - Used to establish or delete a death case. Once the death case is established, no monies will be disbursed until all options requiring data entry are completed and the payment is coded for release. A death case cannot be deleted once funds are captured in the system.
- - Used to add, change, delete information regarding the deceased employee's beneficiary(ies). This option also identifies the heir(s) who will receive the deceased employee's final payment.
- SPPS and query all outstanding administrative debts the deceased employee incurred. - Used to add, change, or delete administrative debts not recorded in
- - Used to (1) confirm receipt of the necessary documentation to process the death claim, (2) show a preliminary calculation of amounts disbursed to the claimants to date and the amounts to be disbursed, (3) show claimant data based on information received to date, and (4) allow authorization of the claim for final processing.
- - Used to query payments that have been disbursed and the amount(s) remaining to be disbursed at the time the last disbursement occurred.
- - Used to record pertinent claim information.
- NFC employees to add, change, or delete payments. - Used by
To Select an Option From the Death Case Menu:
- Type the option number at the Select Option (1-7) prompt.
- Press . The screen for the selected option will be displayed.
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