Establish/Delete Death Case
Establish/Delete Death Case is option SPPS .
on the Death Case menu. This option is used to add or delete a death case. All death cases must be entered inA death case record can be established before the employee's personnel action is processed. Therefore, make sure that information is being entered for the correct employee and that the correct option has been selected.
A death case established in SPPS cannot be deleted if a payment record has been sent to SPPS for disbursement. To delete the case after that time, contact the NFC Contact Center at .
Establishing/Deleting a Death Case:
- Type at the Select Option (1-7) prompt on the Death Case Menu screen.
- Press
- Complete the fields as follows:
System generated from the File Control Information screen entry.
Name: Last
System generated from the payroll/personnel database.
System generated from the payroll/personnel database.
System generated from the payroll/personnel database.
Separation Date (MMDDYY)
System generated from the payroll/personnel database. If not, type the employee's separation date. This date must agree with the date of the personnel action.
Function Code
Type the applicable function code. Valid values are:
- (add) to add a death case record
- (delete) to delete an erroneous record
- Press . The death case is established/deleted.
See Also |