Beneficiary Claimant Information
Beneficiary is option
on the Death Case Menu screen. This option is used to add, change, or delete information regarding the deceased employee's beneficiary(ies).Adding, Changing, or Deleting Beneficiary Information:
- Type at the Select Option (1-7) prompt on the Death Case Menu screen.
- Press
- The SSNO, Agency, and Name are system generated. Complete the remaining fields as follows:
SF Document - Form No Field
1152 - Completed and on File
(yes) if there is a completed Form SF 1152, Designation of Beneficiary, Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee, on file. Type (no) if there is no completed SF 1152 on file.1153/1155 - Received, Signed, & Witnessed
(yes) if the Form SF 1153, Claim For Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee, or Form SF 1155, Claim For Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee (No Designated Beneficiary or Surviving Spouse), has been received in the personnel office, signed and witnessed. Type (no) if the applicable form has not been received by the personnel office or if any signatures are missing.Date Signed (MMDDYY)
Type the date (MMDDYY) that the SF 1153 or SF 1155 was signed and witnessed.
Claimant No
System generated and identifies the order in which the beneficiary claimants were entered.
(yes) if the beneficiary claimant was less than 18 years of age when the SF 1153 or SF 1155 was signed and witnessed. Type (no) if the beneficiary claimant was not a minor when the SF 1153 or SF 1155 was signed and witnessed.Designated Share (Percent)
Type the percentage amount (in whole numbers only) entered in the Share To Be Paid To Each Beneficiary block on the employee's SF 1152. If only the SF 1153 or SF1155 is submitted, do not complete this field. The disbursements will be in equal amounts.
Type the beneficiary claimant's SSN .
Only enter the age if the beneficiary is a minor. Type the age of the beneficiary claimant at the time the SF 1153 or SF 1155 was signed and witnessed.
Relationship To Deceased
Type the relationship of the claimant to the deceased. Acceptable entries are:
, , , , , , , , , , , , , .Name
Type the beneficiary claimant's first name, middle name or initial, and last name. Example: Mary Smith Mother of. Type the beneficiary's relationship to the deceased. No punctuation marks can be used when entering the name or address, only parentheses.
Should Disbursements Be Held?
(yes) if disbursements for the beneficiary claimant should be held pending legal review or for another reason. Type (no) if disbursements should not be held.Function Code
Type the applicable function code. Valid values are:
- - add
- - change
- - delete
- Press . If is entered in the Should Disbursements Be Held? field, the cursor moves to the Claim Status section.
- Complete the fields as follows:
Claim Status Field
Activity Date
System generated and indicates the date entries were made on this screen.
Reason For Hold Status
Type NFC Certification and Disbursement Section. The disbursement to the claimant remains on hold until NFC renders a decision. Maintain a copy of the documents in the employee's Official Personnel Folder (OPF).
if the disbursement is on hold pending legal review. Type if the disbursement is on hold for a reason other than pending legal review. If the disbursement is on hold pending legal review, forward the original documents, relating to the death case toShould Disbursement Be Released From Hold Status?
(yes) if the disbursements should be released from a hold status. Type (no) if the disbursements should not be released from a hold status.Claim Decision For Pending Legal Review
next to Denied if the beneficiary claimant is denied for a disbursement after legal review. Type next to Accepted, if it was decided that the beneficiary claimant can receive a disbursement after legal review.Function Code
(add) in function code. - After all fields are completed, press
- Complete the fields as follows:
Check Mailing Information:
If these fields are completed, do not complete the Bank Deposit (DD/EFT) fields.
Street Address 1
Type the deceased employee's name. Example: John Doe (
) or type the guardian's name, , the beneficiary's name, the beneficiary's relationship to the deceased, the deceased employee's name, and ( ). Example: Mary Smith Guardian of Ann Smith Daughter of John Smith (Deceased).Address 2
Type the beneficiary claimant's street address.
Type the beneficiary claimant's city name.
Type the beneficiary claimant's State name.
ZIP Code
Type the beneficiary claimant's ZIP code.
Designated Agent Code:
(Not available at this time.)
Bank Deposit (DD/EFT) Field
Type of Account
(Not available at this time.)
Account Number
Type the beneficiary claimant's account number.
Routing Number
Type the financial institution's identification number. The first 2 digits must be within the following ranges:
, , or . - Press . The data is processed.
See Also |