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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Payment Inquiry (For Death Case)

This topic has been updated to add a note to ensure error free processing.

Payment Inquiry is option 5 on the Death Case Menu. This option is used to query payments that have been disbursed and the amount remaining to be disbursed.

To Access Payment Inquiry Screen:

  1. Type 5 at the Select Option (1-7) prompt on the Death Case Menu.
  2. Press Enter. The payment Inquiry screen is displayed showing the amounts to be disbursed.

    Death Payment Inq 1

To View Claimant Disbursement Totals:

  1. At the Payment Inquiry screen, press PF4. The Payment Inquiry (totals) screen is displayed. This screen (1) displays the payments disbursed to each beneficiary claimant, (2) displays the amount of indebtedness, (3) displays the calculated amount to be disbursed to the beneficiary claimant, and (4) displays the disbursements to date and the amount remaining to be disbursed.

    Death Payment Inq 2

  2. Press Enter, to process the totals. (Total monies to be disbursed minus employee indebtedness.)

To View Claimant Disbursement Data:

  1. At the Payment Inquiry screen 1 of 3, press PF10. The payment Inquiry By Claimant screen is displayed. This screen displays disbursement data for each beneficiary claimant.

    Payment Inq By Claimant

Note: When entering payments, ensure that payments are not entered on the Payment Inquiry screen and the Manual Payment screen with the same pay period number.

At the Payment Inquiry screen 1 of 3, press the PF10 button. The payment Inquiry By Claimant screen is displayed. This screen displays disbursement data for each beneficiary claimant. Change (1 of 3) for (2 of 3).

Follow instructions at the bottom of the screen. Press the F11 button to move to the next pay record. Press the F10 button to move to previous pay period.

See Also

Death Case

Establish/Delete Death Case

Beneficiary Claimant Information

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Death Case)

Payment Certification (For Death Case)

Remarks (For Death Case)