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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Leave Sharing Program

The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program and Voluntary Leave Bank Program permit Federal employees to donate annual and restored annual leave to be used by other Federal employees. The annual leave is used for medical or family medical emergencies, including maternity situations.

Note: This procedure does not include instructions for the Voluntary Leave Bank Program. Follow Agency and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) instructions for recording leave under this program.

Certified documentation should be obtained before entering donor/recipient data in the Payroll/Personnel System.

In This Section

Processing for a Leave Recipient

Processing for a Leave Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave

Processing for a Leave Donor

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Home Shore Leave

Annual Leave Restored

Time-Off Awards

Audit Trail of Leave Updates

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances