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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt is Program 05 on the TINQ menu.This program is used to query compensatory leave data and/or to manually enter and/or update up to 3 years of compensatory leave rates and hours, including compensatory time off for religious observance and travel compensatory time.

A compensatory leave master record is automatically established in TINQ Program 05, the first pay period in which a T&A reflecting compensatory time earned is applied. TINQ Program 05 is used to enter the rate record(s) when compensatory time was inadvertently omitted from the T&A or the rate at which it was earned needs to be corrected. (For examples of processing compensatory leave adjustments, see Compensatory Leave Adjustments.)

The compensatory record is automatically updated whenever a T&A reflecting compensatory time earned or used is applied. Adjustments to compensatory leave rates and hours (rate record) are entered in the Rate Record section.

Note: Send in corrected T&As for prior pay periods within the database range of 26 pay periods. Use TINQ for pay periods outside the database range of 26 pay periods.

To Use the Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt:

  1. To select this program, at the TINQ menu, enter 05 at the Please Enter Selection prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt is displayed.

    Comp Leave Comp Oth Rt Screen

  3. To query,modify, or add a record, complete the SSNO field as follows:




    Type the employee's Social Security number

  4. Press Enter. The Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt screen records for the Social Security number entered are displayed.
  5. Complete the Agency field.




    System-generated Agency code. If the employee has a dual appointment and the Agency displayed is not the applicable one, enter the Agency code of the record you want to query or modify.

  6. Press Enter. The data changes to the selected Agency data.
  7. Review the information in the Page field.




    System-generated field requiring no action.

  8. Complete the remaining fields as follows:



    Screen Opt

    System-generated program number 05. Complete this field with the next program desired after all changes and/or additions are made.

    Last Update By

    System-generated field indicating the identification number of the source of the TINQ update.

    The user ID is displayed when a user changes a compensatory record in TINQ. This is system generated for the audit trail. NF000 is displayed when a T&A processes or a payroll/personnel system change occurs.

    Note: The Comp Leave & Comp Oth Rt screen inquiry fields are described below. The data displayed in these fields is system generated from processing T&As and/or adjusting the Rate Records of this program.

    Error Code

    Indication when the compensatory leave on a T&A is different from the leave on the database. Valid values are:

    0 No error
    1 Balance error
    2 Crossfoot error
    3 Balance and crossfoot error


    Number of regular compensatory leave hours that have been forfeited during the current year and up to 2 years prior. This field also contains expired travel compensatory leave. (For examples of adjusting this field, see Compensatory Leave Adjustments Example 1 and Example 2.)


    (For Non-Title V Agencies only) Number of regular compensatory leave hours earned during the current year. (For examples of adjusting this field see Compensatory Leave Adjustments, Example 3 and Example 4.)


    (For Non-Title V Agencies only) Number of regular compensatory leave hours during the current year. This field does not include compensatory time used for religious observance. (For examples of adjusting this field, see Compensatory Leave Adjustments.)


    (For Non-Title V Agencies only) Balance of regular compensatory leave earned year to date (YTD) less the leave used YTD for the current year.

    (For Title V Agencies) Balance of regular compensatory leave for the prior 26 pay periods..


    Compensatory balance for the hours the employee earned while in travel status for the prior 26 pay periods.


    (For Title V Agencies only) Field always set to 0.
    (For Non-Title V Agencies) Balance of regular compensatory leave for the prior year.


    Expired compensatory leave balance and the expired grandfathered compensatory leave balance.


    Number of compensatory leave hours used for religious observance in the current year. (For examples of adjusting this field, see Compensatory Leave Adjustments, Example 7 and Example 8.)


    Balance of compensatory leave hours earned for religious observance in the current year. (For examples of adjusting this field, see Compensatory Leave Adjustments, Example 9 and Example 10.)


    System-generated date of when the compensatory leave record was updated.The above fields are updated when changes or adjustments are made in the Rate Records section.


    Last two digits of the year.

  9. To enter or adjust a rate record, complete the fields as follows:




    Last two digits of the year for the entry of adjustments. The year must be the current year or up to 2 years prior.

    Type the current year in this field to add/change the data in the Earned-YTD, Used-YTD, Reg-Cur-Comp-Bal, and/or Travel-Comp-Bal fields.

    Type the first or second year (as applicable) to add/change data in the Prior-Yr-Bal2 field.

    Note: Once a rate record has been established, the Yr field cannot be changed. If the year is erroneously entered, zero out the hours and reenter the entire record.


    Pay Period in which the compensatory time was earned.


    Premium rate (with a decimal point to separate dollars and cents) at which the compensatory time was earned.

    Note: With the exception of Pay Period 01, only two rate records per pay period can be earned.


    Number of compensatory leave hours earned, used, or forfeited for the pay period including a decimal point for fractions of an hour.

    Note: With the exception of Pay Period 01, the maximum number of hours that can be entered per pay period is 256.


    Codes to indicate an adjustment:

    U To increase and/or decrease the Used YTD field. U must only be used for current year for non-Title V Agencies only.
    F To increase and/or decrease the Forfeited field
    R To change the religious observance fields. Use R for current year only. Type the year, pay period, rate, hours, and R in this field. You are prompted for an additional indicator with the message, Enter "E" for Religious Earned, "T" for Religious Used.
    E Type an E to adjust hours to the Comp-Lv-Bal-Observ field.
    T Type T to update hours in the Leave-Used-Rel-Observ field.

    Note: When making an entry in the Ind field, you must enter a new compensatory rate record.
    No entry in the Rate record indicates travel compensatory time.

  10. To correct the Forfeited field, type the correct year (up to 2 years prior or current) in the Yr field.
  11. Continue typing the appropriate data in the PP, Rate, and Hours fields.
  12. Type F in the Ind field.
  13. After entering the data, press Enter. The Last Update By field displays the identification number of the last person to update the leave data.
    • All rate records with 0 hours are purged each time PAYE runs.
    • The total hours shown in the Rate Records section must equal the applicable balance field. If the hours are not equal to the applicable balance field, an edit message will appear.
  14. To access another record, press PF5, complete the SSNO field.
  15. Press Enter.
  16. To scroll backward, press PF7.
  17. To scroll forward, press PF8.
  18. To access another program, enter the program number in the Screen Opt field.
  19. Press Enter.

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Leave Sharing Program

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Home Shore Leave

Annual Leave Restored

Time-Off Awards

Audit Trail of Leave Updates

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances