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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Annual Leave Restored

Annual Leave Restored is Program 07 on the TINQ menu. This program is used to query, modify, or add records to restore annual leave that was forfeited by an employee because of public exigency, sickness, or administrative error. This program is also updated when data is entered in Entry, Processing, Inquiry, and Correction System (EPIC) on a Restored Annual Leave Document.

To Use the Annual Leave Restored Program:

  1. To select this program, at the TINQ menu, type 07 at the Please Enter Selection prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The Annual Leave Restored screen is displayed.

    Annual Leave Restored Screen

  3. To query, modify, or add a record, complete the fields as follows:




    Type the employee's Social Security number.

  4. Press Enter. The Annual Leave Restored record for the Social Security number entered is displayed.
  5. Complete the Agency field.




    System-generated Agency code. If the employee has a dual appointment and the Agency displayed is not the applicable one, enter the Agency code of the record you want to query or modify.

  6. Press Enter. The data changes to the selected Agency data.
  7. Complete the Screen Opt field.



    Screen Opt

    System-generated program number 07. Complete this field with the next program desired after all changes and/or additions are made.

    Last Update By

    System-generated data in this field. This field indicates the identification number of the last person to update the leave data.

  8. To modify or add a record, complete the applicable fields as follows:



    Exceed Max Ind

    "Yes", in this field denotes that the employee can restore more than the maximum amount of hours accrued for the year.

    There are three sets of Rest-Year and Rest-Hrs fields. The message board on the screen displays the amount of time remaining to use the restored annual leave.


    Last two digits of the year in which the annual leave was restored. The year is used to project the temporary period in which the restored leave should be scheduled and used, or otherwise forfeited.

    Note: TINQ does not allow entry of the current year. Use EPIC Web, EmpowHR, or your Agency's front-end system (Document type 165) to add,change, or delete restored annual leave hours for prior years.

    Do not enter the same year in more than one Rest-Year field.


    Total number of annual leave restored hours.


    Number of annual leave restored hours which have been forfeited.

  9. After entering the data, press Enter. The Annual Leave Restored record is updated. The Last Update By displays the identification number of the last person to update the leave data.
  10. To access another record, enter the Social Security number directly over the one displayed.
  11. Press Enter.
  12. To access another program, enter the program number in the Screen Opt field.
  13. Press Enter.

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Leave Sharing Program

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Home Shore Leave

Time-Off Awards

Audit Trail of Leave Updates

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances