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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Time-Off Awards

Time Off Awards is Program 08 on the TINQ menu. This program is used only to modify time off hours used or query time off records that have already been added through EPIC. It cannot be used to add time off hours granted to an employee.

To Use the Time Off Awards Program:

  1. To select this program, at the TINQ menu, enter 08 at the Please Enter Selection prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The Total Time Off & Time Off Awards screen is displayed.

    Total Time Off Time and Time Off Awards Screen

  3. To modify or query a record, complete the fields as follows:




    Type the employee's Social Security number.

  4. Press Enter. The Total Time Off & Time Off Awards record for the selected Social Security number is displayed showing data from the employee's T&A or personnel action, as applicable.
  5. Complete the Agency field:




    System-generated Agency code. If the employee has a dual appointment and the Agency displayed is not the applicable one, enter the Agency code of the record you want to query or modify.

  6. Press Enter. The data changes to the selected Agency data.
  7. Complete the fields as follows:




    System-generated program page number. If the record contains more than one page, press PF8 to scroll forward or press PF7 to scroll backward.

    Screen Opt

    System-generated program number 08. Complete this field with the next program desired after all changes and/or additions are made.

    Total Time Off Hours

    System-generated field indicating the total time off hours available.


    System-generated field indicating the year the time off award was granted.


    System-generated field indicating the pay period the time off award was granted.


    System-generated field indicating the number of time off hours granted for the pay period shown.


    System-generated field indicating the number of time off award hours used for the pay period number shown. This is the only field than can be changed. If changing this field, type the correct number of hours.

    Note: When canceling an award, do not update TINQ Program 08 before entering the cancelation action.


    System-generated field based on changes made to the Used field.


    System-generated field indicating the hours forfeited.

    Note: Time off award hours are forfeited if not used within one year.

    Change ID

    System-generated field indicating the user ID of the last person to update the time off award.

    Change Date

    System-generated field indicating the date that the last change was made to an employee's time off record.

  8. After entering the data, press Enter. The modified Total Time Off & Time Off Awards record is displayed.
  9. To access another record, enter the Social Security number directly over the one displayed.
  10. Press Enter.
  11. To access another program, enter the program number in the Screen Opt field.
  12. Press Enter.

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Leave Sharing Program

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Home Shore Leave

Annual Leave Restored

Audit Trail of Leave Updates

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances