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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Audit Trail of Leave Updates

Audit Trail of Leave Updates is Program 09 on the TINQ menu. This program lists changes made to an employee's leave record in TINQ.

Note: The Update By User-ID field only displays changes made in TINQ by the user. Other updates do not appear in this program.

To Use the Audit Trail of Leave Updates Program:

  1. To select this program, at TINQ menus, enter 09 at the Please Enter Selection prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The Audit Trail of Leave Updates screen is displayed.

    Audit Trail Of Leave Updates Screen

  3. To query a record, complete the fields as follows:




    Type the employee's Social Security number.

  4. Complete the Agency field.




    Type the employee's Agency code.

  5. Press Enter. The data changes to the selected Agency data.
  6. Complete the fields as follows:



    Screen Opt

    System-generated program number 09. Complete this field with the next program desired after all changes and/or additions are made.


    System-generated field requiring no action.

  7. Press Enter.

    All changes made to the employee's leave record(s) are listed in descending chronological order. The changes, however, are not available for viewing until after PAYE runs.

    Data in this list includes the following:

    • Update By User-ID
    • On Date
    • At Time
    • For Description
    • Old Data
    • New Data
  8. To access another record, press PF5, enter the Social Security number and Agency code.
  9. Press Enter.
  10. To access another program, enter the program number in the Screen Opt field.
  11. Press Enter.
  12. To scroll backward to the previous page, press PF7.
  13. To scroll forward to the next page, press PF8.

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Leave Sharing Program

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Home Shore Leave

Annual Leave Restored

Time-Off Awards

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances