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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Compensatory Leave Adjustments

To Make Adjustments in TINQ:

  1. Prepare or obtain an up-to-date certified AD-717, Audit for Leave Year 20XX. (Do not include the current processing period.)
  2. Query the record in TINQ.
  3. Print a copy of the TINQ screen.
  4. Make correction/adjustment.
  5. Verify the correction/adjustment on the same screen.

Note: For each example, the premium rate at which the compensatory time was earned is $10.00 and the current year is 2009.

In This Section

Increasing Compensatory Leave Forfeited (Example 1)

Reducing Compensatory Leave Forfeited (Example 2)

Increasing Compensatory Leave Balance (Example 3)

AWOP Leave

Suspension Leave

Military Leave

Reducing Compensatory Leave Balance (Example 4)

Increasing Religious Compensatory Leave Taken (Example 5)

Reducing Religious Compensatory Leave Taken (Example 6)

Increasing Religious Compensatory Leave Earned (Example 7)

Reducing Religious Compensatory Leave Earned (Example 8)

Compensatory Time Travel Used (Example 9)

Compensatory Time Travel Earned (Example 10)

See Also


Annual & Sick Leave

Leave Sharing Program

Comp Leave & Comp-Oth-Rt

Home Shore Leave

Annual Leave Restored

Time-Off Awards

Audit Trail of Leave Updates

BPAPRA Comp & Debt Balances