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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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AWOP Leave

AWOP Leave is Program 02 on the TINQ menu. This program is used to query, modify, or add nonpay status records, including LWOP (leave without pay) and AWOL (absence without leave).

An employee’s AWOP counters must be adjusted in TINQ when a return to duty action is processed; the system does not automatically reset AWOP counters.

To Use the AWOP Leave Program:

  1. At the TINQ menu, type 02 at the Please Enter Selection prompt.
  2. Press Enter. The AWOP Leave screen is displayed.

    AWOP Leave Screen

  3. To query, modify, or add a record, complete the SSNO field as follows:




    Type the employee’s Social Security number.

  4. Press Enter. The AWOP Leave record for the Social Security number entered is displayed.
  5. Complete the Agency field.




    System-generated Agency code. If the employee has a dual appointment and the Agency displayed is not the applicable one, enter the Agency code of the record you want to query or modify.

  6. Press Enter. The data changes to the selected Agency data.
  7. Complete the fields as follows.



    Screen Opt

    System-generated program number 02. Complete this field with the next program desired after all changes and/or additions are made.

    Last Update By

    System-generated field whenever a TINQ record is accessed and updated. The user ID number is system generated for the audit trail.


    Number of all nonpay days after the initial 30 days of nonpay occurring since the employee's career conditional appointment.


    Summary of approved leave-without-pay hours occurring during the current calendar year. These hours are used in the adjustment of the service computation dates for leave, retirement, and reduction in force.

    Note: This field is automatically reset to 0 at the end of the calendar year.


    Number of consecutive calendar days of nonpay since the employee’s career conditional appointment.


    Summary of approved leave-without-pay hours occurring since the employee's last within-grade increase.These hours are used to extend the employee's waiting period for the next within-grade increase.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 when the within-grade increase is granted.


    Total number of hours that occurs during the leave year and will be used for accrual reductions. Whenever the absence equals the number of base hours in a pay period (80), the employee's accruals for annual and sick leave are reduced. The counter is then reduced by the number of base hours. Any hours remaining at the end of the leave year that are less than the number of base hours are dropped.


    Summary of approved leave-without-pay hours during the employee's probationary period. These hours are used for the extent of the employee's probationary period.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 at the end of the probationary period.


    Tracked nonpay days used for the termination of the employee's Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB). When the counter reaches 365 days, the employee's health benefits coverage is terminated. Generally, nonpay days should be consecutive, except when the employee returns to duty and goes on nonpay status within 4 months. In this case, the number of days in the current nonpay period is combined with the nonpay from the prior period. This field is system generated. This field will reset after health benefits are terminated or the Pay-Status-After-AWOP field reaches 120 days.


    Total number of approved leave-without-pay hours occurring during probation for an employee in a supervisory or managerial position.


    Code used to control the updating of the number of nonpay days toward the termination of health benefits and the number of days in pay status following a period of nonpay. Valid values are:

    0 Not applicable
    1 Update AWOP counters
    2 Update pay status counters

    Note: This field is reset to 0 only after the Pay-Status-After-AWOP field reaches 120.


    Summary of unapproved absence-without-pay hours during the calendar year. These hours are used to adjust the service computation dates for leave, retirement, and reduction in force.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 at the end of the calendar year.


    Date the period of nonpay begins.


    Total number of unapproved absence-without-pay hours occurring since the employee's last within-grade increase.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 when the within-grade increase is granted.


    Number of days in pay status following a period of nonpay. It is updated by 14 days each pay period when AWOP-FEHB-Flag is 2.

    Note: This field is automatically reset when the health benefits are canceled or the counter reaches 120 days.

    AWOL-During Probation

    Total number of unapproved absence-without-pay hours occurring during the employee's probationary period. These hours are used to extend the employee's probationary period.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 at the end of the probationary period.


    The type of absence without pay used in the pay period involving a calendar year split. Only one type of absence without pay can be used in this field. Enter the type of nonpay leave used for the pay period involving a calendar year split. Valid values are:

    A AWOL
    L LWOP
    S Suspension


    Summary of unapproved absence-without-pay hours occurring during the supervisory probationary period. These hours will be used for the extent of the probationary period.

    Note: This field is reset to 0 at the end of the probationary period.


    Number of hours of injury leave an employee has used in the current leave year.


    Summary of absence-without-pay hours used in the pay period involving a split calendar year which are applicable to the new calendar year. These hours are used to compute the service computation date at the last pay period, then zeros out by the system and stored on IRIS Program IR140 in the AWOL-Prev-Cal-Yr-Split field. These hours will be used in certain computations at the end of the new calendar year.


    Tracked nonpay days due to active military duty used for the termination of the employee's FEHB. When the counter reaches 730 days, the employee's FEHB coverage is terminated. Generally, nonpay days should be consecutive, except when the employee returns to duty and goes on nonpay within 4 months. In this case, the number of days in the current nonpay period is combined with the nonpay from the prior period. This field is system generated. This field will reset after FEHB coverage is terminated or the Pay-Status-After-AWOP field reaches 120 days.


    Code used to control the updating of the number of nonpay military leave days toward the termination of health benefits and the number of days in pay status following a period of nonpay. Valid values are:

    0 Not applicable
    1 Update AWOP counters


    Date the period of nonpay begins.


    Tracked nonpay days used for the termination of an employee's life insurance coverage. When the counter reaches 365 days, the employee's life insurance coverage is terminated. Generally nonpay days should be consecutive, except when the employee returns to duty and goes on nonpay within 4 months. In this case, the number of days in the current nonpay period is combined with the nonpay from the prior period. This field is system generated. This field will reset after life insurance benefits are terminated or the Pay-Status-Aft-AWOL-FEGLI field reaches 120 days.


    Code used to control updating the number of nonpay days toward the termination of life insurance coverage and the number of days in pay status following a period of nonpay. Valid values are:

    0 Not applicable
    1 Update AWOP counters
    2 Update pay status counters


    Number of days in pay status following a period of nonpay. It is updated by 14 days each pay period when AWOP-FEGLI-Flag is 2.

  8. After entering the data, press Enter. The AWOP Record is updated. The Last Update By field displays the identification number of the last person to update the leave record.
  9. To access another record, enter the Social Security number directly over the one displayed.
  10. Press Enter.
  11. To access another program, type the program number in the Screen Opt field.
  12. Press Enter.

See Also

Compensatory Leave Adjustments

Increasing Compensatory Leave Forfeited (Example 1)

Reducing Compensatory Leave Forfeited (Example 2)

Increasing Compensatory Leave Balance (Example 3)

Suspension Leave

Military Leave

Reducing Compensatory Leave Balance (Example 4)

Increasing Religious Compensatory Leave Taken (Example 5)

Reducing Religious Compensatory Leave Taken (Example 6)

Increasing Religious Compensatory Leave Earned (Example 7)

Reducing Religious Compensatory Leave Earned (Example 8)

Compensatory Time Travel Used (Example 9)

Compensatory Time Travel Earned (Example 10)