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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Processing for a Leave Donor

To Process Leave for a Leave Donor:

  1. In the first pay period the leave is donated, enter the number of hours donated in the Annual-Lv-Used-YTD field in TINQ Program 01. The Annual-Lv-Current-Balance field decreases.
  2. Reduce the same number of hours in the carryover balance on the T&A so that the T&A and database agree.

To Process Leave (at the End of the Emergency Period) for a Leave Donor:

At the end of the emergency period:

  1. Recredit any unused donated leave.
  2. Add this amount to the Annl Brought Forward field on the T&A.
  3. Reduce the same amount in the Annual-Lv-Used-YTD field in TINQ Program 01 so that the T&A and database agree.

See Also

Leave Sharing Program

Processing for a Leave Recipient

Processing for a Leave Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave