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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Processing for a Leave Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave

To Process Leave for a Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave:

  1. Follow the same instructions as listed under Processing for a Leave Recipient. Take caution when making adjustments to the recipient's annual leave balance.
  2. If the recipient has donated annual leave that is to be used instead of offsetting the negative annual leave balance, change the Annual-Lv-Carryover-Balance and Annual-Lv-Used-YTD fields to 0 and add the donated hours to the Annual-Lv-Accruals-YTD field.
  3. Once all donated hours have been used, change the Annual-Lv-Carryover-Balance and Annual-Lv-Used-YTD fields to the hours shown prior to the change.
  4. If the recipient has donated leave to offset the negative annual leave balances, add the donated hours to the Annual-Lv-Accruals-YTD field.
  5. If the donated leave amount carries over to the subsequent pay period(s), take no action in TINQ.
  6. Make a screen print of the Annual & Sick Leave data before making any changes.

To Process Leave (at the End of the Emergency Period) for a Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave:

  1. Type N (no) in the Approved Leave Recipient field in your Agency's payroll system indicating that the employee is no longer eligible for donated leave.
  2. Prorate according to the number of donors any unused donated leave remaining in the recipient's account so that this leave can be recredited to the donor's account.
  3. Add the unused accrued hours field in a separate account to the Annual-Lv-Accruals-YTD field.
  4. Record the unused accrued hours in the Annl/Sick Brought Fwd field on the T&A.
  5. Type the employee's appropriate accrual rate(s) in the Annual and Sick Leave Accrual fields so that the employee will again accrue leave.

See Also

Leave Sharing Program

Processing for a Leave Recipient

Processing for a Leave Donor