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Time Inquiry Leave Update System (TINQ)

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Processing for a Leave Recipient

To Process Leave for a Leave Recipient:

  1. In the first pay period after the beginning of the medical emergency, code the employee as a leave recipient in the Payroll/Personnel database by entering the applicable document in your Agency's payroll system.
  2. Add the donated hours (up to 9999) to the Annual-Lv-Accruals-YTD field in TINQ Program 01. Up to 9999 hours of leave can be entered in the Annual-Lv-Accruals-YTD field. However, if more than the maximum number of hours allowed in 1 year is entered and the employee is not an approved leave recipient, an error message will display.
  3. Type the total amount donated in the Annual Brought Forward field on the T&A in the first pay period the recipient begins to use the donated leave. In each pay period donated leave is used, subtract the amount used for the amount available.
  4. Type 0 in the Annual and Sick Leave Accrual fields on the T&A for each pay period until the emergency ends.

    Note: Do not process a personnel action to change the annual leave category recorded in the database. The system automatically generates this data.

  5. Keep separate from the T&A an account of the annual and sick leave accruals and balances each pay period. Place the hours of annual and sick leave in a separate account to be used after the medical emergency has ended or after all donated leave is exhausted, whichever comes first.

See Also

Leave Sharing Program

Processing for a Leave Recipient with Advanced Annual Leave

Processing for a Leave Donor