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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Modifying Evaluation Criteria

This section provides an overview of evaluation criteria modifications and discusses how to modify criteria.

The draft criteria document that is generated from the document template contains the evaluation criteria and item wording that are specified on the document template. The Establish Criteria step enables a manager, an employee, or both to tailor the document templates evaluation criteria for the employee prior to generating evaluations for the employee.

Depending on the role’s capabilities on the document template, evaluators can make the following modifications to the criteria document:

When the document criteria is satisfactory, the designer completes the document. Individual Evaluations can be generated by role from a completed criteria document. The document can also be reopened for further modifications.

Either a manager or an employee can add performance notes during the Establish Criteria step. These notes are linked to the section and item to which they apply. Later in the process, the person that entered a note can access the note to review, update, or include it in their section or item comments.

Before evaluation criteria can be modified, The HR Administrator must complete the following tasks:

The following are used to modify Evaluation Criteria:

Note: The navigation paths and page documentation in this section refer to modifying sections of an evaluation document. All sections on a development document work similarly and use the same page formats. The information could be different depending on the template setup.

  1. Select the Manager Self Service menu.


    Select the Employee Self Service menu.

  2. Select the Performance Management menu group. This menu group is accessed by the Manager or Employee.
  3. Select the Performance Documents menu item or the Development Documents to access performance/development documents as a manager.


    Select the My Performance Documents or Development Documents menu item to access performance/development documents an employee.

  4. Select the Current Documents component. This component allows the manager/employee to view/modify current documents. The Performance Documents (current) List page (ESS) as an employee and Current Performance Documents List page (MSS) as a manager. Development Documents Current List page has the same page views and options.

To Modify a Current Performance Document (ESS):

  1. Select the applicable document type by clicking the Document Type link. The Current Performance Documents - Document Details page is displayed.

    Current Performance Documents - Document Detail Page

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Click Edit

    Edits a document. The Draft page - Document Details tab is displayed. For more information regarding the completion of the Document Details page, refer to ESS Performance Management or MSS Performance Management.

    Click View

    Views a completed document.

    Click Complete

    Completes a step in the process. The Current Performance Document page - (ESS) Employee Evaluation tab is displayed.

    Click Save

    Saves the Performance or Document Criteria - Draft document.

    Click Cancel

    Cancels the changes and returns to the Document Details page.

    Click Reopen

    Reopens a criteria document that was previously completed. This button displays only if the establish criteria process is completed.

    Note: After a role evaluation is created or a pending nomination is accepted, the criteria document cannot be reopened. This button no longer appears on the document, unless all pending nominations have been canceled and all evaluations have been deleted.

  2. Click Complete. The document status will be marked Complete.


    Click Cancel. The Current Performance Document page (ESS) - Employee Evaluation tab is displayed.

To Modify a Current Performance Document (MSS):

  1. Select the applicable document type by clicking the Document Type link. The Current Performance Documents page (MSS) page - Document Details tab is displayed.

    Note: The navigation and completion instructions for (MSS) Current Documents are the same as the navigation and completion instruction for (ESS) Current Documents.

In This Section

Viewing Document Statuses

Viewing Document Progress Details

See Also

ePerformance Overview

ePerformance Business Processes

Setting Up ePerformance

Setting Up Document Templates

Understanding Advisor Tools

Generating Documents

Manager Self Service (MSS) Performance Management

Employee Self Service (ESS) Performance Management

Selecting Documents

Recording Preliminary Ratings

Recording Performance Notes

Ratings and Comments

Advisor Tools

Writing Tools

Updating Evaluations

Finalization Activities

Administrative Tasks

