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EmpowHR: Section 15 - Person Model

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Service Agreements United States Federal (USF)

The Service Agreements USF component identifies any service agreements made with an employee.

To Enter a Service Agreement:

  1. On the EmpowHR Main Menu page, select the Workforce Administration menu group.
  2. Select the Job Information menu.
  3. Select the Contract Administration menu item.
  4. Select the Service Agreements USF component. The Service Agreements USF page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Service Agreements USF Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  5. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee ID.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee lD.

    Empl Record

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee record number.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee record number.


    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee's first name.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee's first name.

    Last Name

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee's last name.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee lD.

    Second Name

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee's second name.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee's second name.

    Alternate Character Name

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee's nickname.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee's nickname.

    Middle Name

    Enter the beginning specific character or characters of the employee's middle name.


    Click the down arrow for additional options to narrow results.


    Enter the employee's middle name.

    Case Sensitive

    Check this box if applicable.

  6. Click Search. The Service Agreements tab is displayed.

    Service Agreements Tab Page

  7. Complete the fields as follows:




    Populated with the system-generated ID.

    Empl Record

    Populated with the employee record number (appointment number).

    Service Agreements



    Enter the Agency or select an Agency by clicking the search icon.


    Enter the Sub-Agency or select a Sub-Agency by clicking the search icon.

    Pay Plan

    Enter the Pay Plan or select a Pay Plan by clicking the search icon.

    *Service Agreement Type

    Required field. Select the service agreement type from the drop-down menu. Valid values are Long Term Training, Recruitment Bonus, and Relocation Bonus.

    Service Date

    Enter the service date or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Effective Date

    Enter the effective date or select a date by clicking the calendar icon.

    Exec PSP Percentage

    Enter the applicable percentage.

    Note: This field is for use by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) only.

    End Date

    Enter the end date or select a date by clicking the calendar icon.

    Scarcity Code

    Enter the code.

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the new data entered.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns the user to the applicable page to search for another record.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next individual in the workflow.

See Also

Latest Update Information

Person Model

Adding a Person

Modifying a Person

Security Clearance

Search for People

Emergency Contacts

Update Contracts

Define Contract Types

Define Contract Clauses

Define Contract Templates

Define Department

Configure Checklist

Configure Person of Interest Types