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EmpowHR: Section 15 - Person Model

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Person Model

The Person Model is a term used to describe the information captured about a person and how the person is related to the organization. A person is important to an organization for many different reasons at many different times throughout their lifetime. Each relationship may require different attributes and different processing.

With the EmpowHR Person Model, Agencies can track personal information about the person in one place with no redundant data. The relationships that a person has to the organization are tracked in a different area of the system. For example, the user may have a person who is now an employee but was previously a contingent worker. The system tracks this person using one identification (ID), which enables their history as a contingent worker to exist along with their history as an employee.

Person Model supports the storing and tracking of three Person Types within one centralized repository. This enables the user to manage and report on all types of workers from seasonal to permanent.

The three Person Types are:

It is important for users to verify the relationship a person has in EmpowHR and the Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) before processing any actions. EmpowHR uses the person’s Social Security number (SSN) to validate existence in EmpowHR, and provides a warning message to processors when they attempt to hire a person who has a record in EmpowHR. Users can validate the relationship by discussing prior employment history with the person and then verifying data:

Person Model allows the user to perform the following functions: