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Viewing Pay Options

Pay Options allow the user to administer additional types of information to be associated with the T&A Detail. The Pay Options displayed are dependent on the employee's profile.

Note: Prior to entering any pay option information, it is important to verify that the information being entered into the T&A is for the pay period to which it applies. Paycheck8 defaults to the current pay period and date when you log in. To administer pay options to a previous or future pay period, return to the Enter Time page and select a date within the pay period in which you want to make pay option changes.

  1. Select Pay Options from the My T&A menu on the Paycheck8 main menu page. The Pay Options page is displayed for the pay period selected.

    Pay Options Page

  2. Complete the fields as follows:



    Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime


    AUO Percent

    Select the AUO percentage from the drop-down list. The percentage is dependent upon the employee's action entitlement. Valid values are 00, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 99.


    Click Save.

    Authorization of Overtime


    Overtime Authorization Detail

    Enter the overtime authorization number (provided by your supervisor) in the Overtime Authorization Detail field. This field has a 23-character limit.

    Note: A record of Authorization of Overtime will be displayed on the T&A Report within the Remarks field. The record will precede any other remarks entered.


    Click Save.

    Earnings Limitation Emergency Exception (Fire, etc.)


    RSEL (Regular Schedule Earnings Limitation) Value

    This field is used for two purposes.

    For GS employees, this field indicates the employee's ability to exceed the biweekly earnings limitation for that pay period. To allow this, select 4 from the drop-down list.


    For WG employees, the data in this field is used to calculate the annual FEGLI coverage amount based on the shift of the pay period worked. For this function, select the applicable shift code from the drop-down list. Valid values are:

    0 - WG employees - Compute annual FEGLI coverage amount based on the first shift.

    2 - WG employees - Compute annual FEGLI coverage amount based on second shift.

    3 - WG employees - Compute annual FEGLI coverage amount based on third shift.

    4 - WG employees - Compute annual FEGLI coverage amount based varied shift.



    Click Save.

    FLSA Status Change


    FLSA Value

    Select the applicable FLSA value from the drop-down list. Valid values are:

    No Change to FLSA

    1st Week Non-Exempt

    2nd Week Non-Exempt

    Both Weeks Non-Exempt


    Click Save.

    Split T&A


    Split Day

    Select the applicable end day from the drop-down list. The status start date will be set to the following day.

    Note: A split T&A is prepared when a change occurs during the pay period and different variables are applied to part of the pay period.


    Click Save.

    Status Start


    Start Day

    Select the applicable start day of the accession/hire action from the drop-down list.


    Click Save.

    Final T&A


    Final T&A

    Select whether or not this is a final T&A from the drop-down list. Valid values are Yes and No.


    Click Save.




    Indicates whether or not the employee is receiving COLA (cost-of-living allowance).

    Note: The T&A will display an S after COLA is started.


    Click Start COLA to start. Click Stop COLA to stop.

    Foreign Post


    Foreign Post

    Indicates whether or not the employee is receiving Foreign Post Differential.

    Note: The T&A will display an S after Foreign Post is started.


    Click Start Foreign Post to start. Click Stop Foreign Post to stop.

See Also

My T&A

Entering Time

Viewing Current T&A

Submitting a T&A

Entering Dollar Transactions

Viewing T&A History

Correcting a T&A

Deleting a T&A