Severance Pay Computation (IR135)
Severance Pay Computation is screen number 135 on the Current Data Menu. It consists of two screens and displays the formula used to compute an employee's severance payments.
Access Instructions
IRIS screen IR135 may be accessed by either tabbing to the option on the Main Menu and entering or by tabbing to the option on the Current Data Menu and entering . The Severance Pay Computation Screen is displayed after selecting either of these options. The SSN may be entered either before or after IR135 is selected.
The fields listed below are system-generated fields, but they may be changed to project severance payment amounts. Changes to fields are temporary and not stored in IR135. The system reverts back to the data in the database when IR135 is queried again.
Alternator-P/T Pay Period Worked/Yr. Type the number of pay periods the employee worked as part-time tour of duty hours and the part-time hourly rate. This field must be completed even if the employee was part time for the whole year.
Base-Pay Per Annum. Type the projected annual salary.
The fields listed below are not system generated, but they may be completed to project the severance amount.
Prior Severance. Type the number of weeks/days if there were prior severance payments; otherwise, leave this field blank. Data is never system generated in this field.
Noncred SVC Dates. Type the dates when non creditable service was performed, if any. If this field is completed, the dates are converted to years and months and displayed in the Less
Non creditable SVC portion of the Creditable Service field.
The remaining fields are restricted and cannot be changed (Name, Date of Birth, Age at Separation, Creditable Service and Rate at Date of Separation).
To display Screen 2, press
. It displays information regarding the severance pay computation for the projected weekly and biweekly severance payment amount based on the information contained in the employee's database record.This screen is not used as a research tool but is rather a calculation program used to project the severance payment amount an employee would receive if entitled to severance payments.
Generated fields may be changed to project the severance payment amounts and certain fields not generated may be entered. You may change the projected amount by completing and/or changing certain fields.
No actual severance payment will be made based on this projection. An actual severance payment is made based on the processing of the separation action with Remarks Code N22 and the processing of EPIC Web ,128 Severance Pay; EmpowHR, Severance Payment Page; or FESI Program DP128, Severance Payment.
See Also |