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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Modifying Self-Service Pages and Email Notifications

ePerformance provides standard text that appears on the self-service pages and automatically generates email notifications. The text catalog stores these text entries. The text catalog entries can be modified as needed or create new ones to meet business needs.

To Ensure Email and Workflow Notifications Are Working Properly:

  1. Activate email using the Worklist System Defaults page.
  2. Define the method used to notify the originator using the System Workflow Rules page.
  3. Define user notification preferences.
  4. Define user’s email addresses on the Email Address page.
  5. Select Email User as a routing preference on the Workflow page - User Profile.

In This Section

ePerformance Text Catalog Settings


See Also

Setting Up ePerformance

Entering/Modifying System Settings

Using Rating Models

Using the Content Catalog

Using Profile Types

Working with Approvals and Reviews