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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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ePerformance Text Catalog Settings

ePerformance makes use of the text catalog for storing text that appears on self-service pages, including field labels, button names, links, page instructions, and warnings, as well as, the text subject lines of automated email notifications. Modify the text that appears on a page or in an email message by editing text in the Text Catalog feature.

The Text Catalog is partitioned by the applications that use it, and each partition can store and access its data differently. To access the text catalog items that belong to ePerformance, enter HEP as the object owner identifier on the Maintain Text Catalog search page.

Sub ID Field

ePerformance partitions its text catalog entries by performance and development.

To Retrieve Text Catalog Entries for Development Documents:

Text Catalog Keys

ePerformance designates these four keys for storing and retrieving entries:



Section Type

Select the section type to which the text pertains from the list of section types that are defined on the Section Definition page.

Author Type

Select the evaluator role of the evaluation on which the text appears from the list of role types that were defined on the Roles Types page.

User Role

Select the role to which the text pertains from the list of predefined roles. This key is used to select text depending on the user’s system privileges (e.g., update or approve).

Document Status

Select the status to which the text pertains: Acknowledged, Available for Review, Canceled, Completed, in Progress, Not Started, or Review Held.

When EmpowHR retrieves text from the catalog, the section type key takes precedence over author type, author type takes precedence over user role, and user role takes precedence over document status.

Note: An empty key functions as a wildcard. Entries with wildcard keys pertain to all possible values for the key.

Text Substitution

Supply the text values for the tokens in an EmpowHR function call at runtime. The values are replaced by parameters in the People Code when the text is rendered on evaluations.

To use this feature, the user must know People Code. If the user wants to update the delivered text IDs such that the substitution tokens take on a different meaning or are resequenced, the user must make corresponding changes to the EmpowHR code that calls the Text Catalog feature retrieval functions, since this copy supplier values to use in place of the tokens.

These are the tokens and the substitution text for each token that are delivered by ePerformance. Insert up to five substitution tokens from the following list:


Substitute Text


Document type from the Document Type table (EP_REVW_TYP_TABL).


Employee named formatted as first name, last name.


Employee ID.


Period begin date for the performance period.


Period end date for the performance period


Due date of the evaluation.


Component link that transfers the user directly into the applicable evaluation.


List of employees for whom an evaluation was successfully created during the background run.


List of employees for whom evaluations were not created.


Form-Create-Msg, which is one of two alternate messages that appear depending on the type of process that is run.

See Also

Modifying Self-Service Pages and Email Notifications
