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webTA 3.8 - HR Administrator

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Leave Transfer Program Management

The Leave Transfer Program (LTP) Management function is used by HR Administrators to manage leave transfer programs. webTA provides management for the following three types of leave transfer programs and tracks transactions associated with each account:

Note: An employee may participate concurrently in VLBP and VLTP.

HR Administrators use the Select Account page to manage the Leave Transfer Program. To access the Select Account page, select the LTP button on the HR Administrator Main Menu page.

Select Account Page

The Select Account page defaults to Open accounts. To view other account types, select the applicable account type from the drop-down list and select the Update button. Other account types available to view are Close Pending and Closed.

The following fields are displayed on the Select Account page:




Displays the recipient or leave bank's name.

Account Description

Displays the account's description.


Displays the type of account. Valid values are Emergency Leave Bank, Voluntary Leave Bank, and Voluntary Individual Account.

# Recipients

Displays the number of recipients approved for the leave bank.

# Approved Donors

Displays the number of approved donations received.

# Pending Donors

Displays the number of pending donations received.


Displays the number of hours remaining in the account.

The following functions are available for use on the Select Account page:

In This Section

Establishing/Editing a LTP Account

Entering Leave Donations on Behalf of Employees

Approving Donations Entered by Employees

Closing a Leave Recipient Account and Returning Unused Leave Donations

Closing a VLBP Leave Bank