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Closing a Leave Recipient Account and Returning Unused Leave Donations

When an account is no longer needed, it must be closed. An employee’s leave donation account cannot be closed while pending transactions exist. Pending transactions are those transactions that have been recorded in webTA, but have not yet been transmitted to NFC for processing.

When closing a leave transfer account with a remaining balance, the donated leave is returned to the donor(s) in proportion to the amount donated. The donor has the option to have the leave returned to his/her leave balance in the current leave year or the next leave year. The donor can also transfer the leave to another recipient. The amount of leave to be restored can also be modified. You must select Edit next to the donor whose leave is to be modified in order to perform this action on the Edit Restored Donated Leave page.

To Close a VLTP Account and Return Unused Leave:

  1. Select the LTP button on the HR Administrator Main Menu page. The Select Account page is displayed.

    Select Account Page - Closing VLTP

  2. Select the applicable leave recipient account to close.
  3. Select the Close button. The Closing an Account page is displayed providing information about the account.

    Note: The Closed Effective Date indicates the day that the account closure became official. This field defaults to either the latest end date of the account's transactions or the current date, whichever is later.

    Closing an Account Page - VLTP

    It is recommended that you print this page, as it contains the names of individuals whose donated leave is being restored, and the number of restored leave hours. It is necessary to manually change their annual leave balances at NFC, so the list will be useful in this regard. For each individual, you will also receive a task reminding you of the need to adjust their annual leave balance.

    Note: If the donor has elected to donate the leave to another leave recipient, select the Edit button next to the donor's name. The Edit Restored Donated Leave page is displayed with the restored donated leave defaulting to be returned to the current year's leave balance. Enter the new recipient's name in the Transfer Account field or select the Search button to select the leave recipient from a list of recipient accounts.

  4. Select the Continue button to close the account. The Close Account Confirmation page is displayed.

    Note: If there are pending transactions against the account, an error message will be displayed that the account cannot be closed. Pending transactions are those transactions that have been recorded in webTA, but have not yet been transmitted to NFC for processing

    Close Account Confimation Page

  5. Select the Continue button to close the account. The Select Account page is displayed defaulting to open accounts.

    Note: Once an account is closed, it cannot be viewed or changed within webTA.

See Also

Leave Transfer Program Management

Establishing/Editing a LTP Account

Entering Leave Donations on Behalf of Employees

Approving Donations Entered by Employees

Closing a VLBP Leave Bank