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webTA 3.8 - HR Administrator

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Entering Leave Donations on Behalf of Employees

Employee donations to leave transfer accounts can either be entered by the donating employees through the Leave/Premium Pay section on the Employee Main Menu page, or they may be entered by an HR Administrator from the Edit Account Transactions page. Donations must be approved by an HR Administrator before they can be used by an approved recipient.

Note: Donations received from outside the Agency must be entered by the HR Administrator.

To Enter a Leave Donation for an Employee:

  1. Select the LTP button on the HR Administrator Main Menu page. The Select Account page is displayed.

    Select Account Page

  2. Select the applicable leave recipient account.
  3. Select the Transactions button. The Edit Account Transactions page for the selected account is displayed.

    Edit Acount Transactions Page

  4. Select the New Donation button under the Donations to Account section. The Select Employee page is displayed.

    Select Employee Page

  5. Enter the webTA user ID of the employee making the leave donation. If unknown, select the Search button to search for the employee.

    Note: Leave the text box blank if the donation is from outside of the Agency.

  6. Select the Continue button. The Donations to Account page is displayed.

    Donations to Account Page

  7. Complete the fields as follows:



    User ID

    Displays the user ID of the employee donating the leave.

    Note: If the donation is from an external donor, the User ID field is replaced with an External Employee Name field in which to enter the donor's name.

    Leave Account

    Displays the leave recipient's name.

    Donor Position

    Enter the leave donor's position.

    Donor Grade

    Enter the leave donor's grade.



    Enter the leave donor's step.


    Enter the number of hours being donated.


    Select the applicable accounting code from the drop-down list.

    Type of Leave

    The selection defaults to 61-Donated Annual Leave and displays the number of hours available to donate (if an internal donor). Use the drop-down list to change the leave type from 61-Donated Annual Leave to 63-Donated Restored Annual Leave.


    Enter remarks, if applicable.


    Displays the donation status. Valid values are Pending and Approved.

  8. Select the Save button to save the donation in a Pending status.


    Select the Approve button to approve the donation immediately. The Edit Account Transaction page is displayed with the donation in an Approved status.

    Edit Acount Transactions Page - Donation Approved

See Also

Leave Transfer Program Management

Establishing/Editing a LTP Account

Approving Donations Entered by Employees

Closing a Leave Recipient Account and Returning Unused Leave Donations

Closing a VLBP Leave Bank