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webTA 3.8 - HR Administrator

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Approving Donations Entered by Employees

HR Administrators must approve leave donations from employees before they can be credited to a leave recipient's account.

To Approve Leave Donations Entered by Employees:

  1. Select the LTP button from the HR Administrator Main Menu page. The Select Account Page is displayed defaulting to Open accounts.

    Select Account Page

  2. Select the applicable account.
  3. Select the Transactions button. The Edit Account Transactions page is displayed.

    Edit Account Transactions Page

  4. Select the Edit button next to the applicable name in the Donations to Account section. The Donations to Account page is displayed.

    Donations to Account Page - Approve

  5. Select the Approve button. The Edit Account Transactions Page is displayed showing the approved donation.

    Edit Account Transactions Page - Approved

See Also

Leave Transfer Program Management

Establishing/Editing a LTP Account

Entering Leave Donations on Behalf of Employees

Closing a Leave Recipient Account and Returning Unused Leave Donations

Closing a VLBP Leave Bank