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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Viewing Documents

The ePerformance administrator role can view any document in any status for groups that they manage and perform certain tasks that change the document status or due date. This is a "safety valve" in case the employee or manager is unable to complete tasks.

To View Documents:

  1. Select the Manager Self Service menu.


    Select the Workforce Development menu.

  2. Select the Performance Management menu group.
  3. Select the Performance Documents menu item.


    Select the Development Documents menu item.

  4. Select the View Documents menu item. The View Performance Documents page is displayed.

    View Performance Documents Page

  5. Complete the fields as follows:

    Search for Documents


    Employee First Name

    Enter the employee's first name.

    Last Name

    Enter the employee's last name.

    Manager First Name

    Enter the manager's first name.

    Last Name

    Enter the manager's last name.

    Document Type

    Click the down arrow to select the applicable document type.


    Click the down arrow to select the applicable document status.

    Period Between

    Enter the starting and ending dates or select dates from the calendar icons.

  6. Click Search. A list of employees with the corresponding documents is displayed.


    Click Clear to return to the previous page.

    View Performance Documents Page (after clicking Search)

  7. Select the applicable document. The document is available for viewing.

See Also

Administrative Tasks

Transferring Documents

Resetting Document Status

Canceling Documents

Deleting Documents

Preliminary Ratings