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EmpowHR: Section 10 - Manage Performance

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The HR personnel can run queries to determine the status of performance documents. HR can report on the Supervisor Name or Agency, sub-Agency, and POI.

Missing Performance Plans

This option allows HR to report on missing performance plans.

To Report on Missing Performance Plans:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Report menu.
  3. Select the Missing Performance Plans component. The Missing Performance Plans page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Performance Plans Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Select data from the drop-down list.

    Case Sensitive

    Click this field if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Missing Plan tab is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.


    Select the Add a New Value tab. The Missing Performance Plans page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Performance Plans Page - Add a New Value Tab

  6. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the control ID.

  7. Click Add. The Missing Plan tab is displayed.

    Missing Plan Tab. On this page, you have the option to either complete the Supervisor Name field or the Agency fields. Do not complete both.

  8. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated based on the search criteria entered.


    Defaults to English or select the applicable language from the drop-down list.

    Supervisor Name

    Enter the name of the supervisor or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency, Sub-Agency, and Personnel Office ID fields must be left blank.


    Enter the two-position alpha Agency code or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Sub-Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.


    Enter the sub-Agency or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    Personnel Office ID

    Enter the POI or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Sub-Agency fields must be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Missing Performance Plans page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

  9. Click Run. The Process Scheduler Request page is displayed.

    Process Scheduler Request Page (Missing Performance Appraisals)

  10. Click OK or Cancel to return to the Missing Plan tab.

Late Performance Plans

This option allows HR to inquire on late performance plans.

To Inquire on Late Performance Plans:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Report menu.
  3. Select the Late Performance Plans component. The Late Performance Plans page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Late Performance Plans Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the Run Control ID.

    Case Sensitive

    Check this box if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Late Performance Plans page is displayed


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.


    Select the Add a New Value tab. The Late Performance Plans page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Late Performance Plans Page - Add a New Value Tab

  6. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the control ID.

  7. Click Add. The Report of Late Performance Plan page is displayed.

    Report of Late Performance Plan Page

  8. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated based on the search criteria entered.


    Defaults to English or select the applicable language from the drop-down list.

    Supervisor Name

    Enter the name of the supervisor or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency, Sub-Agency, and Personnel Office ID fields must be left blank.


    Enter the two-position alpha Agency code or search data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Sub-Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.


    Enter the sub-Agency. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    Personnel Office ID

    Enter the POI or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Sub-Agency fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance review.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Missing Performance Plans page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

  9. Click Run. The Process Scheduler Request page is displayed.

    Process Scheduler Request Page (Late Performance Appraisal)

  10. Click OK or Cancel to return to the Missing Plan tab.

Missing Performance Appraisals

This option allows HR to report on missing performance appraisals.

To Report on Missing Performance Appraisals:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Report menu.
  3. Select the Missing Performance Appraisal component. The Missing Performance Appraisal page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Performance Appraisal Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Click the down arrow to choose a search criteria.

    Case Sensitive

    Click this field if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Missing Review tab is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.


    Select the Add a New Value tab. The Missing Performance Appraisal page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Missing Performance Appraisal Page - Add a New Value Tab

  6. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the control ID.

  7. Click Add. The Missing Review tab is displayed.

    Missing Review Tab

  8. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated with the search criteria entered.


    Defaults to English or select the applicable language from the drop-down list.

    Supervisor Name

    Enter the name of the supervisor or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency, Sub-Agency, and Personnel Office ID fields must be left blank.


    Enter the two-position alpha Agency code or search data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Sub-Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.


    Enter the sub-Agency. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    Personnel Office ID

    Enter the POI or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Sub-Agency fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance review.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Missing Performance Plans page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

  9. Click Run. The Process Scheduler Request page is displayed.

    Process Schedule Request Page (Missing Performance Plans)

  10. Click OK or Cancel to return to the Missing Plan tab.

Late Performance Appraisals

This option allows HR to report on late performance appraisals.

To Inquire on Late Performance Appraisals:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Report menu.
  3. Select the Late Performance Appraisal component. The Late Performance Appraisal page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Late Performance Appraisal Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Select a search criteria from the drop-down list.

    Case Sensitive

    Click this field if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Late Performance Review page - Late Review tab is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.


    Click the Add a New Value tab. The Late Performance Appraisal page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Late Performance Appraisal Page - Add a New Value Tab

  6. Complete the field as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Enter the control ID.

  7. Click Add. The Late Review tab is displayed.

    Late Review Tab

  8. Complete the fields as follows:



    Run Control ID

    Populated with the search criteria entered.


    Defaults to English or select the applicable language from the drop-down list.

    Supervisor Name

    Enter the name of the supervisor or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency, Sub-Agency, and Personnel Office ID fields must be left blank.


    Enter the two-position alpha Agency code or search data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Sub-Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.


    Enter the sub-Agency. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Personnel Office ID fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    Personnel Office ID

    Enter the POI or select data by clicking the search icon. If data is entered in this field, the Agency and Sub-Agency fields must also be completed, and the Supervisor Name field must be left blank.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance review.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Late Performance Appraisal page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

  9. Click Run. The Process Scheduler Request page is displayed.

    Process Scheduler Request Page (Late Performance Appraisal)

  10. Click OK or Cancel to return to the Missing Plan tab.

Review Rating Model

The Review Rating Model is used to set up the ratings used on the performance documents.

To Set Up a Review Rating Model:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Setup menu.
  3. Select the Review Rating Model component. The Review Rating Model page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Review Rating Model Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Rating Model

    Enter the applicable model or select a model from the drop-down list.


    Enter the applicable description or select a description from the drop-down list.

    Include History

    Click this field to include historical data.

    Correct History

    Click this field to correct historical data.

    Case Sensitive

    Click this field if the search criteria is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Review Rating Model page is displayed.


  6. Select the Add a New Value tab. The Review Rating Model page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    Review Rating Model Page - Add a New Value Tab

  7. Click Add. The Rating Model page - General tab is displayed.

    Rating Model Page - General Tab

  8. Complete the fields as follows:



    Rating Model

    Populated with the search criteria entered.

    Rating Model Description


    *Effective Date

    Required field. Enter the applicable date or select a date from the calendar icon.


    Defaults to Active. Change by selecting data from the drop-down list.


    Required field. Enter the description of the rating system.

    Short Description

    Enter the short description of the rating.

    Review Band

    Checked when Correct History is selected.

    OPM Pattern

    Select the applicable Office of Personnel Management (OPM) rating pattern from the drop-down list.




    Required field. Enter the number associated with the rating.


    Required field. Enter the description of the rating.

    Short Description

    Short description for the rating number.

    Numeric Rating

    Enter the rating number associated with the description.

    Career Strength/Development

    Select the applicable information from the drop-down list.

    Rating Explanation

    Click this icon to view or enter a rating explanation.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Review Rating Model page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

    Click Include History

    Includes the transaction in history.

    Click Correct History

    Corrects the transaction in history.

  9. Select the Review Points tab. The Rating Model page - Review Points tab is displayed.

    Rating Model Page - Review Points Tab

  10. Complete the fields for the Review Points tab as follows.

    Note: The fields on the top of this page are generated from information that was entered on the Rating Model page - General tab.




    Required field. Enter the rating number.

    Review Points

    Enter the applicable amount of points to be given during a review.

    From Points

    Enter the minimum number of points for a review.

    To Points

    Enter the maximum number of points for a review.

    Eligibility Points

    Enter the applicable eligibility point for a review.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Review Rating Model page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

    Click Include History

    Includes the transaction in history.

    Click Correct History

    Corrects the transaction in history.

  11. Select the Federal tab. The Rating Model page - Federal tab is displayed.

    Rating Model Page - Federal Tab

  12. Complete the fields for the Federal tab as follows:

    Note: The fields on the top of this page are generated from information that was entered on the Rating Model page - General tab.




    Required field. Enter the rating number.

    OPM Rating

    Select the applicable OPM rating explanation from the drop-down list.

    RIF Year

    Enter the applicable number of year(s) for reduction in force (RIF) purposes for each OPM Rating.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Review Rating Model page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Update/Display

    Returns to the applicable page to update the information.

    Click Include History

    Includes the transaction in history.

    Click Correct History

    Corrects the transaction in history.

See Also

Manage Performance



