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EmpowHR: Section 10 - Manage Performance

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EmpowHR administrators have access to the Manage Performance menu group. This menu group allows authorized users to review and edit existing performance documents such as:

This menu group also permits the deletion of performance appraisals in case of a mistakenly created record.

Performance Plan

A performance plan is a written document that identifies the employee’s critical elements and performance standards by which he/she will be rated. Only the rating official and/or employee can initiate a new performance plan for a new appraisal period. A performance plan must be in place for a minimum appraisal period (minimum 90 calendar days) normally, no longer than 15 months for a rating period to be conducted.

The HR Views/Edits Performance Plan option allows HR personnel to view and edit individual employee performance plans; reset the status flags to Transmit performance ratings to the National Finance Center (NFC); view performance plan start and end dates, next performance plan date, and rating scale and employment information; and view and edit the Elements and Standards tab.

Viewing/Editing Performance Plan Data

To View/Edit Performance Plan Data:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Use menu.
  3. Select the HR Views/Edit Performance Plan component. The HR Views/Edits Performance Plan page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Performance Plan Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Enter the employee identification (ID).

    Review Period From

    Enter the review period begin date or select a date from the calendar icon.

  5. Click Search. The HR Views/Edits Performance Plan page - Performance Plan tab is displayed.

    Note: If an Empl ID is entered and the message, No Matching Values Found, is received, there may not be a plan set up for that employee or the Empl ID was entered incorrectly.

    HR Views/Edits Performance Plan Page - Performance Plan Tab

  6. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Populated with the employee ID.

    Performance Plan Start Date

    Populated with the performance plan start date.

    Performance Plan End Date

    Enter the performance plan end date or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Next Performance Plan By

    Enter the date when the next performance plan is due or select a date from the calendar icon.

    Rating Scale

    Populated with the code for the rating scale. The literal is displayed to the right of the field.

    Employment Info when plan was established



    Populated with the Department and Agency codes. The Agency literal is displayed to the right of the codes.


    Populated with the numeric Department information. The literal is displayed to the right of the number.


    Populated with the position number.

    Job Code

    Populated with the job code. The literal is displayed to the right of the code.

    Pay Plan

    Populated with the pay plan information.



    Viewed/Discussed Plan

    Checked if the plan has been viewed and discussed by the employee. If this box is checked, the date is displayed.

    Refused to Sign

    Check if the employee refused to sign the plan.

    Last Updated Date

    Populated with the last date that the plan was updated.



    Created the Plan

    Checked if the supervisor created the plan. If this box is checked, the date is displayed.

    Finalized Plan

    Checked if the plan has been finalized. If this box is checked, the date is displayed.

    Last Updated Date

    Populated with the last date that the plan was updated.




    Checked if the reviewer has concurred with the plan. If this box is checked, the date is displayed.

    Last Updated Date

    Populated with the last date that the plan was updated.

    The Performance Plan page identifies the rating official or the employee that created the plan. Since the appraisal period generally begins on October 1 of each year and ends on September 30 of the following year, both the end date and the next performance plan date are system generated based on those dates. Fields on the Performance Plan and the Elements and Standards pages can be viewed, modified, printed, or deleted based on Agency policy.

    The Employment Information portion of the Performance Plan page displays the position information of the employee occupied at the time the plan was created. If this block is incorrect, then HR should review the position information and make the necessary corrections in Position Management and/or Personnel Action Requests (PAR), whichever is appropriate.

    The Viewed portion of the page displays the dates when the Rating Official and employee viewed, last updated, and/or finalized the plan. The employee must check this box whether the plan was created by the Rating Official or by the employee. The Rating Official must finalize the plan before a progress review or summary rating can be entered.

    The following options are available:



    Click Create Printable Form

    Displays a bulletin containing the information from the Performance Plan tab and Elements and Standards tab in a printable form.

    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance plan.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Previous Tab

    Returns to the previous tab.

    Click Next Tab

    Advances to the next tab.

  7. Select the Elements and Standards tab. The HR Views/Edits Performance Plan page - Elements and Standards tab is displayed. This is a read-only page. No changes may be made to the portions on this page explained below:
    • Critical Element - a work assignment or responsibility of such importance that unacceptable performance in the element would result in a determination that the employee’s overall performance is unacceptable.
    • Additional Performance Element - a dimension or aspect of the employee team, or organizational performance, that is not a critical element or non-critical element. Additional elements may be added to a plan. Refer to your Agency policy for additional guidance.
    • Performance Standard - a management-approved expression of the performance, threshold(s), or expectation(s) that must be met to be appraised at a particular level of performance. A performance standard may include, but is not limited to, quality, cost efficiency, timeliness, and manner of performance.

    HR Views/Edits Performance Plan Page - Elements and Standards Tab

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the documents.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to searches for another performance plan.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Previous Tab

    Returns to the previous tab.

    Click Next Tab

    Advances to the next tab.

Progress Review

The progress review is a joint discussion between the rating official and the employee regarding the employee’s progress toward achieving the performance standards. It does not involve the issuance of a rating of record. Progress reviews are conducted at least once during a full appraisal period. Normally, these required reviews would be accomplished during the midpoint of the appraisal period. Comments may be entered by the Rating Official and/or employee. The rating official must finalize the plan before a progress review can be added.

The HR Views/Edits Progress Review is a custom option where HR personnel can view and edit progress reviews. HR can view the performance plan start and end dates, next performance plan date, rating scale and employment information, and the information on the Elements and Standards tab.

Viewing/Editing Progress Review Data

To View/Edit Progress Review Data:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Use menu.
  3. Select the HR Views/Edits Progress Review component.
  4. The HR Views/Edits Progress Review page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Progress Review Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  5. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Enter the employee ID.

    Review Period From

    Enter the date the progress review started or select a date from the calendar icon.

  6. Click Search. The HR Views/Edits Progress Review page - Progress Review tab is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.

  7. Select the Elements and Standards tab.The HR Views/Edits Progress Review page - Elements and Standards tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Progress Review Page - Progress Review Tab

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to searches for another performance plan.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Previous Tab

    Returns to the previous tab.

    Click Next Tab

    Advances to the next tab.

Summary Rating

The HR Views/Edits Summary Rating is a custom option where HR personnel can view or edit Summary Ratings. HR can view the performance plan start and end dates, next performance plan date, rating scale and employment information, overall summary rating, and the information on the Elements and Standards tab.

Viewing/Editing Summary Rating Data

To View/Edit Summary Rating Data:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Use menu.
  3. Select the HR Views/Edits Summary Rating component. The HR Views/Edits Summary Rating page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Summary Rating Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Search by

    Select the applicable data from the drop-down list. Valid values are: Empl ID and Review Period From.

    begins with

    Enter the data that corresponds to the search criteria.

  5. Click Search. The HR Views/Edits Summary Rating page - Summary Rating tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Summary Rating Page - Summary Rating Tab

  6. Select the Elements and Standards tab. The HR Views/Edits Summary Rating page - Elements and Standards tab is displayed.

    HR Views/Edits Summary Rating Page - Elements and Standards Tab

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance plan.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Previous Tab

    Returns to the previous tab.

    Click Next Tab

    Advances to the next tab.

075 Performance Appraisal

The 075 Performance Appraisal component is used by HR to enter historical ratings and to enter performance ratings for employees in grades higher than General Schedule (GS) 1-13. The ratings are entered and transmitted to NFC.

HR must enter the following information on the page. Once the information is saved on the page, the transaction will be picked up by the interface and sent to NFC.

Viewing/Editing 075 Performance Appraisal Data

To View or Edit 075 Performance Appraisal Data:

  1. Select the Manage Performance menu group.
  2. Select the Use menu.
  3. Select the 075 Performance Appraisal component. The 075 - Performance Document page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    075 - Performance Document Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  4. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Enter the employee ID.

    Empl Record

    Enter the number of the employee record.

    Social Security Number

    Enter the full Social Security number (SSN).


    Enter the first name of the employee.

    Last Name

    Enter the last name of the employee.


    Enter the Agency of the employee.


    Enter the sub-Agency for the employee.

    Case Sensitive

    Click this field if the information is case sensitive.

  5. Click Search. The Performance Appraisal page is displayed.


    Click Clear to clear the entry on the page. Another entry can be made at this time.

  6. Select the Add a New Value tab. The 075 - Performance Document page - Add a New Value tab is displayed.

    075 - Performance Document Page - Add a New Value Tab

  7. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Enter the employee ID.

    Empl Record

    Enter the employee record number.

    Review Period From

    Enter the date the review started or select a date from the calendar icon.

  8. Click Add. The Performance Appraisal page is displayed.

    Performance Appraisal Page

  9. Complete the fields as follows:



    Empl ID

    Populated with the employee ID.


    Populated with the record number of the transaction.


    Populated with the user’s SSN.

    Performance Appraisal


    Entry Date

    Populated with the entry date of the appraisal.

    Transaction Status

    Populated with the status of the transaction. The transaction status changes when the transaction is saved.

    User ID

    Populated with the user ID.

    Appraisal Period


    Review From Date

    Populated with the date the review started.

    Review Thru Date

    Populated with the date the review ended.

    Appraisal Rating


    Rating Scale

    Populated with the applicable rating scale. The literal is displayed to the right of the field.

    Review Rating

    Populated with the applicable review rating. The literal is displayed to the right of the field.

    Pay Period Number

    Populated with the pay period number.

    Pay Period Year

    Populated with the pay period year.

    The following options are available:



    Click Save

    Saves the document.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the applicable page to search for another performance plan.

    Click Previous in List

    Returns to the previous performance plan.

    Click Next in List

    Advances to the next performance plan.

    Click Notify

    Notifies the next person in the workflow that the transaction is in their worklist.

    Click Add

    Returns to the 075 - Performance Document page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Correct History

    Allows the user to correct a previous performance plan.

See Also

Manage Performance



