Latest Bulletins
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Employees can enter T&A data, view a summary of current pay period T&A information, submit leave and premium pay requests, view certified T&As, select accounting codes, assign descriptions to accounting codes, generate leave audit reports, and submit requests and tasks to supervisors and/or timekeepers.
HR Administrator
HR Administrators can display a list of employees from which you can add and edit the records of selected employees, including pay periods, profiles, leave audit reports, certified T&As, and locator information.
Supervisor/Master Supervisor
Supervisors are responsible for certifying T&As for employees before the T&As are sent to NFC for processing and to approve or deny leave and premium pay requests. webTA will not create a transmission record for an employee whose T&A is not certified by a supervisor, delegate, or a master supervisor.
Timekeeper/Master Timekeeper
Timekeepers are able to add new employees, manage an employee profile, add new accounting codes, enter and validate T&A data on behalf of the employee, view leave and premium pay requests, and review an employee's previously certified T&A data.
COP (Continuation of Pay) Administrator
COP Administrators create and manage COP accounts. COP events occur when an Employee is injured while engaged in official work activities on work premises, provided the Employee meets the eligibility criteria.
Leave Transfer Program Manager
webTA provides management for three types of leave transfer programs and tracks transactions associated with each account: Voluntary Leave Bank Program (VLBP), Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP), and Emergency Leave Transfer Program (ELTP).
ECM (Emergency Contact Management) Administrator
ECM Administrators have access to all Employee contacts in the Agency and also perform administrative duties such as updating the footer text that appears on the Employee's Emergency Contacts page. ECM Administrators are able to run reports and delegate their role.
Quick Reference Cards
Quick References have been created to provide you a quick rundown on using specific systems or applications.
webTA 4.2 Employee
Step-by-step instructions on completed common functions within the employee role for webTA 4.2.
webTA 4.2 Supervisor
Step-by-step instructions on completed common functions within the supervisor role for webTA 4.2.
webTA 4.2 Timekeeper
Step-by-step instructions on completed common functions within the timekeeper role for webTA 4.2.
webTA 4.2 Integration
View the Processing Flowchart and Integration Feeds utilized by webTA 4.2 throughout the Payroll/Personnel System.
Visit NFC University for all your training needs.
Course for Employees
Learn the step-by-step methods used by employees for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course for Timekeepers
Learn the step-by-step methods used by timekeepers for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course for Supervisors
Learn the step-by-step methods used by supervisors for entering and certifying Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.
Course for HR Admins
Learn the step-by-step methods used by HR Admins for entering Time and Attendance (T&A) data for each pay period.