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webTA 4.2 HR Administrator

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Override Report

The Employee Override report lists employees who meet the selected criteria for the filters listed. If you leave a field blank, the search is conducted on all criteria that your role has access to.

To Run the Override Report:

  1. Select the Reports link from the Reports section on the HR Administrator Menu page. The Reports menu is displayed.

    Reports Page

  2. Select the Override Report link. The Override Report Parameters page is displayed.

    Override Report Parameters Page

  3. Complete the following Report Parameters fields:

    Report Header



    Include Sub Orgs

    Pay Period


    Dept Descriptor

    Override EmpowHR Supervisor Assignment

    Negative Advanced Leave Balance Override

    Negative Sick Leave Balance

    Negative Religious Comp Time Balance


  4. Select the Run Report button to run and display the report.

    Override Report


    Select the PDF, Excel, HTML, or CSV link to display the report output in the specified file type.


    Select the Background Execution drop-down list and select an option. A message confirms that the report has been submitted. For more information, see My Saved and Scheduled Reports.

    Note: The Reset button returns you to the Report Parameters page.

    At this point, the following options are available:



    Select the Cancel button

    Returns you to the Reports page.

    Select the HR Admin tab

    Returns you to the HR Administrator Menu page.

    Select Log Out

    Logs you out of webTA.

See Also

Running Reports

Active Employees With Past Separation Dates

Active Timesheets NFC

After Hours Report USDA

Agency Status

Default Schedule Report

Employee Assignment Report USDA

Employee Contacts

Employees Approved to Exceed the Earnings Limitation Report

Employees on Appointment Limitations Report

Employees with Corrected Timesheets Report

Employees with Projected AL Balances Greater than Ceiling Report

Essential Employees

Final Timesheets

Leave Audit

Leave Audit Report for Part Time Employees

Leave Time Expiration Report

Missing Contacts

New Employees

Organization Assignment

Overtime Report

Restored Annual Leave Analysis

Roll Call

Self Certification

Supervisor Assignments

Supervisor/Timekeeper and Delegates Report

Timekeeper Assignments

Timesheet Status

Timesheet Summary

Unassigned Employees

Uncertified Timesheets

Unprocessed Timesheets

Unvalidated Timesheets