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Special Payroll Processing System Mainframe/Block Mode Format (SPPS)

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Advanced Leave

This topic has been updated to add notes on corrective actions to be taken when receiving error messages.

Advanced Leave is option 3 on the Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness menu. This option is used to collect payment for any advanced leave not paid back at the date of separation. After the final payments are processed in SPPS and the advanced leave debt is collected, remove the negative leave balance from the payroll/personnel database by utilizing TINQ. CULPRPT Report, P0167, Indebtedness Advanced Leave Hours Collected By SPPS For Processing Pay Period/Yr, lists the employees whose leave balances should be changed to zero hours.

Note: There must be a completed leave audit on file for the data recorded on this screen. It is the user's responsibility to review the leave audit for accuracy and pay attention to any earned leave.

If the advanced leave dollar amount is greater than the payment due the employee, the record will be sent to ABCO to establish a receivable.

Enter all advanced leave information at one time to facilitate NFC Payroll/Personnel Operations Section in calculating any tax credits due to the employee.

To Collect Payment for Advanced Leave:

  1. Type 2 at the Select Option (1-8) prompt on the Indebtedness menu screen.
  2. Press the Enter button. The Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness menu screen is displayed.
  3. Type 3 at the Select Option (1-3) prompt on the Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness menu screen.
  4. Press Enter. The Advanced Leave screen is displayed.

    Advanced Leave Screen

  5. The SSNO, Agency, and Name are system generated. Complete the remaining fields as follows:



    Func Code

    Type the applicable function code for collection of advanced leave. Valid values are:

    • A - add
    • C - change
    • D - delete


    System generated with the type of advanced leave.

    Sick Field



    Type the actual advanced sick leave in whole and quarter hours.


    Type the rate (use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents) the employee was being paid at the time the advanced leave was used.


    System generated and indicates the rate multiplied by the number of hours.

    Acct Stat

    Type the accounting station code.


    Type the accounting data.

    Total Sick Leave

    System generated. Indicates the total amount the employee owes for advanced sick leave.

    Annual Field



    Type the actual advanced annual leave in whole and quarter hours.


    Type the employee's hourly rate of pay at the time the employee received the advanced leave (use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents).


    System generated. Indicates the rate multiplied by the number of hours.

    Acct Stat

    Type the accounting station code.


    Type the accounting data.

    Comp Field



    Type the actual compensatory time-off hours advanced for religious observance in whole and quarter hours.


    Type the employee's hourly rate of pay at the time the employee received the advanced leave (use a decimal point to separate dollars and cents).


    System generated. Indicates the rate multiplied by the number of hours.

    Acct Stat

    Type the accounting station code.


    Type the accounting data.

    Total Advanced leave

    System generated. Indicates the total amount owed for all types of advanced leave.

    Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven?

    System defaults to N (no). Type Y (yes) if leave advanced to the employee has been forgiven. If this field is coded Y, any records for advanced leave entered on this screen will not be used in the payment calculation or to compute the tax credit amount, since the employee will not repay the Agency for the advanced leave.

  6. After all fields are completed, press Enter. The advanced leave debts are added, changed, or deleted.

    Note: If you are trying to change the field, Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven? (Y,N) and receive the following error: Cannot Reset advance leave indicator while tax credit exist, this is because there cannot be a tax credit while the advance leave is forgiven. It must be one or the other, but cannot be both. Please follow the instructions in one of the two scenarios below to remove this error message.

    Scenario 1: If you are trying to change the field, Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven? N (Y,N), but you are trying to change it to Y, do the following: Request that NCC delete the tax credit in 8 Manual Payment(s). Once deleted, return to the Advance Leave screen and change the Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven? N to Y.

    Scenario 2: If you are trying to change the field, Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven? Y (Y,N), but you are trying to change it to N, do the following: Request that NCC delete the tax credit in 8 Manual Payment(s). Once deleted, return to the Advance Leave screen and change the Has All Advanced Leave Been Forgiven? Y to N. Return to the 8 Manual Payment(s) screen and reenter the tax credit.

See Also

Adjustment Due to Employee Indebtedness (For Separation Only)

Employee Indebtedness Update (For Separation Only)

Employee Indebtedness Inquiry (For Separation Only)