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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Defining Results Writer Text for Competencies

This section defines Results Writer statements for each level of proficiency associated with a competency.

To Access the Results Writer Page.

  1. Select the Set Up HRMS menu.
  2. Select the Product Related menu group.
  3. Select the ePerformance menu item.
  4. Select the Advisor Tools menu item.
  5. Select the Results Writer component. The Results Writer page - Find an Existing Value tab is displayed.

    Results Writer Page - Find an Existing Value Tab

  6. Complete the fields as follows:



    Search by

    Select date from the drop-down list. Valid values are Competency, Competency Category, Description, and Short Description.

    begins with

    Enter the criteria that corresponds with the value selected in the Search By field.

  7. Click Search. The Results Writer page - Competency tab is displayed.

    Results Writer Page - Competency Tab

  8. Complete the fields as follows:




    Populated from the search criteria entered.

    Proficiency Description


    Review Rating

    Review ratings describe an employee’s level of proficiency for a competency. For each review rating that is associated with the competency, define the suggested text that managers can use when they invoke the Results Writer tool. Create one or more text entries for each rating.

    Results Writer Detail


    Seq Nbr

    Enter a number (sequence number) that determines the order in which managers see the statements when they use the Results Writer tool for this competency.

    Results Writer

    Enter one or more sentences to describe the selected proficiency level.

    Insert the following characters to personalize the text based on the employee’s name and gender.

    %1 = Employee’s First Name

    %2 = He or She

    %3 = His or Her

    %4 = Him or Her

    %5 = Himself or Herself

  9. Select the Sub-Competencies tab. The Results Writer page - Sub-Competency tab is displayed. This tab defines Results Writer statements for each level of proficiency associated with a subcompetency.

    Results Writer Page - Sub-Competencies Tab

    Note: The Sub-Competencies page - Results Writer tab is similar in appearance and use to the Competency page - Results Writer tab and is not documented separately.

    Note: When accessing the Sub-Competencies page, the first subcompetencies that are associated with the competency appear. Page forward or use View All to access other SubCompetencies.

    Note: If this page is grayed out, the Sub-Competency page message will display on the page.

  10. Click Save. At this point, the following options are available:



    Click Notify

    Advances to the Send Notification page.

    Click Add

    Returns to the Results Writer page - Add a New Value tab.

    Click Next in List

    Advances to the next in the list.

    Click Previous in List

    Returns to the previous in the list.

    Click Return to Search

    Returns to the Results Writer page - Find an Existing Value tab.

See Also

Development Tips and Results Writer Tools

Template Setup for Results Writer and Development Tips Use

Search Collections for Results Writer and Development Tips

Defining Development Tips

Linking Development Tips to Competencies and SubCompetencies