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EmpowHR: Section 16 - ePerformance

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Template Setup for Results Writer and Development Tips Use

Text can be defined for these tools at either the competency or subcompetency level and then set up the document template to access this test. The template rules control the level of text, by competency or subcompetency, that EmpowHR searches to find text suggestions for a section or item. The user must set up the template rules to correspond to the level at which the text is defined. For example, if the user defines text or brings in text from a third party at the sub-competency level, then set the Results Writer and Development Tips template switches to SubCompetency for the tool to locate text.

The combination of the level at which text is defined, the level at which the tool is enabled on the document template, and the ratings that are entered, determine the suggested results that appear when the user clicks the Writing Tools link on a evaluation.

This table displays the results for the possible combinations of link level, text level and ratings entered.

Writing Tools Link Appears at Level

Text Defined at Level

Ratings Entry Required

What Appears in Suggested Results



The item rated. If using subitems (behaviors), the item rating was calculated.

Competency text for the item and rating.



At least one subitem for the item is rated.

Sub-competency text for the item, subitem, and rating.



At least one item in the section is rated. If the item has subitems, the item rating was calculated.

Competency text for the item and rating. The Results Writer tool returns one or more entries for every rated item in the Section. The Development tips tool returns one or more entries for every rated item in the section.



At least one subitem for an item in the section is rated.

Sub-competency text for the item, subitem, and rating the Results Writer tool returns one or more entries for every rated subitem in the section. The Development Tips tool returns one or more entries for every rated subitem in the section.

See Also

Development Tips and Results Writer Tools

Search Collections for Results Writer and Development Tips

Defining Development Tips

Linking Development Tips to Competencies and SubCompetencies

Defining Results Writer Text for Competencies