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Activating or Inactivating a Carrier Contact Record

The Activate/Inactivate function allows users to activate and inactivate carrier contact records.

To Activate or Inactivate a Carrier Contact Record:

  1. Select the Carrier tab at the top of the CLER Main Menu.

    CLER Main Menu Page

  2. The Carrier Main Page is displayed.

    Carrier Main Page

  3. Select Contacts at the top of the Carrier Main Page. The Contacts Main Page is displayed with the Carrier Contacts and Carrier Plan Contacts options.

    Contacts Main Page

  4. Click the Carrier Contacts link to display the Carrier Contacts page.

    Carrier Contacts Page

  5. Complete the fields on the Carrier Contacts page and click Submit.


    Click Reset to clear all data entered.



    Carrier ID

    Required, alphanumeric, 7 positions

    Enter the carrier ID code assigned by NFC’s CLER Operations and Reconciliation Unit.



    Select either General for an administrative contact or Technical for a technical contact from the drop-down menu. The Type code indicates whether the payroll office contact is an administrative contact or a technical contact.


    Optional, default

    Defaults to All display option. Allows users to display search results by the options listed below. To choose a display option, select the radio button next to one of the following values:

    All - Displays all contacts for the payroll office ID and type code entered.

    Active - Displays active contacts for the payroll office ID and type code entered.

    Inactive - Displays inactive contacts for the payroll office ID and type code entered.

    Order By

    Optional, default

    Defaults to the ID sort option. This field allows users to sort search results by the options listed below. To choose a sort option, select the radio button next to one of the following values:

    ID - Search by ID number.

    Type - Search by type code.

  6. The Carrier Contacts Search Results page is displayed.

    Note: The Inactivate button is displayed next to records that have been activated, and the Activate button is displayed next to records that have been inactivated.

    Carrier Contacts Search Results Page



    Carrier ID

    System generated

    Displays the carrier ID code assigned by NFC's CLER Operations and Reconciliation Unit.


    System generated

    Displays General type code to indicate that the payroll office contact holds an administrative position.

    Displays Technical type code to indicate that the payroll office contact holds a technical position.


    System generated

    Displays active to indicate that the record has been activated in CLER.

    Displays inactive to indicate that the record has been inactivated in CLER.


    Optional, alphanumeric, 30 positions maximum

    Enter the name of the carrier contact.


    System generated

    Displays the carrier contact's telephone number.


    Optional, alphanumeric, 60 positions

    Enter the carrier contact’s email address.

  7. Click Activate to activate an inactivated record. A pop-up message is displayed to confirm the record has been activated.
  8. Click OK to close the pop-up.
  9. Click Inactivate to inactivate an activated record. A pop-up message is displayed to confirm the record has been inactivated.
  10. Click OK to close the pop-up.

See Also

Maintaining Carrier and Carrier Plan Contact Records

Adding a Carrier Contact Record

Adding a Carrier Plan Contact Record

Viewing a Carrier Contact Record

Viewing a Carrier Plan Contact Record

Activating or Inactivating a Carrier Plan Contact Record

Updating a Carrier Contact Record

Updating a Carrier Plan Contact Record

Viewing Carrier Error Records