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webTA 3.8 - Employee

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Entering Dollar Transactions on Your T&A

The Dollar Transaction section of the T&A Data page has a Dollar Amt field for entering the total dollar amount for each type of dollar transaction. The total dollar transaction amount for the pay period is displayed in the Total field.

New in the Dollar Transactions section of the T&A Data page is used to add a new dollar amount TC to your T&A.

To Add a Dollar Amount Transaction Code:

  1. Select the T&A Data button from the Employee Main Menu. The T&A Data page is displayed.

    T&A Data Page

  2. Select the New button in the Dollar Transaction section. The New Dollar Transaction Activity page is displayed.

    New Dollar Transaction Activity Page

    Note: To edit a TC, select the Edit button. The Edit Work Time Activity page is displayed.

    To delete a TC, select the Del button. The TC is removed when you select the Del button. There is no warning/confirmation before the TC is deleted.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:



    Transaction Code

    Select the applicable dollar TC from the drop-down list.


    Select the applicable accounting code from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the Save button to save the dollar TC. After you select the Save button to save the dollar TC, the Edit and Del buttons are available.


    Select the Cancel button to cancel the action and return to the T&A Data page.

  5. Select the Edit button next to the applicable TC in the Dollar Transaction section.
  6. Complete the Dollar Amt field as follows:



    Dollar Amt

    Enter the applicable dollar amount.

  7. Select the Update button to update the T&A and keep the page open.


    Select the Save/Return button to save the changes and return to the Employee Main Menu.


    Select the Validate button to validate the T&A and return to the Employee Main Menu.

See Also

T&A Data

Entering Your T&A

Entering Leave and Other Time on Your T&A

Validating Your T&A