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Security Entry and Tracking System (SETS)

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Part V: Security Forms

This option is used to view Security Forms information.

To Access the Security Forms Option:

  1. Type 5 at the cursor.


    Position the cursor next to the Security Forms option.

  2. Select the Enter key. The Part V: Security Forms screen is displayed.

    Note: Although option 5 is listed separately on the Inquiry Menu, it is displayed on the same screen with option 6, as one screen.


Inquiry Part V Security Forms Screen

To Inquire on Security Forms:

  1. Complete the fields as follows:



  2. Select the Enter key. A system message is displayed:
    • If no SETS record exists for the SSNO, the message SSNO Not On Data Base, Re-Enter SSNO is displayed.
    • If a SETS record exists for the selected SSNO, the record is displayed with the message SSNO/Agency Successfully Obtained.

    The below fields are system generated and displayed as follows:


    Security Forms Required

    Date Security Forms Requested

    Date Security Forms Received

    At this point, the following options are available:

    • Select the F5 key to display the Help screen and to obtain assistance in completing any field.
    • Select the F12 key and repeat the above process or refresh the screen to query another individual’s record.
    • Select the applicable function key to perform another function or to exit.

See Also


Part I: Personnel Information

Part II: Other Personnel Information

Part III: Clearance Information

Part IV: Waivers

Part VI: Name and Fingerprint Checks

Part VII: Personnel Security - NAC/NACI Investigations

Part VIII: Personnel Security - Other Investigations

Part IX: Billing Information

Part X: Comments